New Hero Joins Deadlock’s Unique Lore in Quest to Purchase Wyoming

The latest Deadlock patch introduces Mirage, a new hero who comes with some intriguing lore.

On September 26, Deadlock’s update brought significant changes to the game, including a much-needed new Anti-Cheat detection system that enables players to transform cheaters into frogs.

This update also introduces Mirage, a bruiser character equipped with unique skills. Notably, he can turn into a tornado and utilizes teleportation powers that enhance his mobility.

However, players are most captivated by Mirage’s lore.

Screenshots of Mirage’s biography have been making rounds on social media, sparking discussions among fans about a specific element of his backstory.

Mirage lore is that he wants to buy Wyoming by u/Pimparoooo in DeadlockTheGame

According to the bio, Mirage serves as the bodyguard to a Djinn ambassador named Nashala Dion. In the Deadlock universe, Djinn can only maintain a corporeal form for up to 48 minutes. Therefore, Mirage’s role involves transporting and safeguarding Nashala.

Recently, the ambassador’s diplomatic mission culminated in a stopover in New York, where they have an unexpected objective. As described on their profile, “The Djinn hope to negotiate with the US government for the purchase of a section of Wyoming to create a sovereign nation for their people.”

Wyoming seems like an unusual choice for purchase. However, it is the least populated state in the United States, possibly offering ample space for a new nation.

No additional details regarding Mirage’s background have been revealed yet, leaving players curious about why the Djinn desire Wyoming and what led the ambassador to believe that the US government might consider selling part of a state.

Nonetheless, players have been lauding the new lore, with one Reddit user commenting, “Huh, I really like that. Cool character design and world-building.”

“Well, Wyoming is pretty empty,” quipped a Twitter/X user.

Mirage is not the only character with a playful backstory; for instance, there’s Lash, whose lore is simply stated as “Jacob Lash is an a******.” Surprisingly, despite her backstory being quite tragic, players found humor in Yamato’s lore, which is exclusively in Japanese.

As Deadlock continues to evolve, Mirage’s quirky lore has players hoping that Valve will persist with this unpredictable storytelling style. As one Reddit user observed, “I hope they keep it random; it’s so much fun to sift through the lore when you’re suddenly confronted with ‘is it cannibalism to eat werewolves?’”


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