New “Insane” Halloween Trend by SmartSchoolBoy9 Goes Viral After Documentary Release

Fans of Smartschoolboy9 – yes, they really do exist – are already making plans to dress up as the purported predator this Halloween, a notion that has drawn swift criticism across social media platforms.

Just three weeks ago, Smartschoolboy9 had a small niche community online. However, since the release of Nick Crowley’s YouTube documentary, which is nearing 10 million views, the case’s related subreddit has surged in activity.

It’s challenging to discern what is factual from the myriad of rumors; however, here’s what we know: Smartschoolboy9 was an account operated by an adult male who donned tight school uniforms and, in one disturbing clip, appeared to chase a real child.

It’s suspected that he runs a network of deceptive accounts impersonating children, some of which showcase explicit material and other forms of CSAM.

While we do not have his real name, there are reports linking a Facebook account by the name of David London to the email address associated with the original Instagram account.

The YouTube thumbnail for the smartschoolboy9 documentary
YouTube: Nick Crowley

As the case continues to gain viral attention, an unforeseen consequence has emerged: Smartschoolboy9 memes and “fan art”have begun to inundate TikTok, and this Halloween may see an escalation in this trend.

On the Smartschoolboy9 subreddit, a user posted a TikTok screenshot that stated: “Is it just me or who else wants to dress up as Smartschoolboy9 for Halloween and scare little kids?”

Understandably, many people are appalled by the idea of adults and teens dressing as an alleged pedophile during an ongoing investigation, treating it as though it’s merely a joke.

An image of Smartschoolboy9

“This is basically the Jeffrey Dahmer thing all over again,” one user remarked, referring to Netflix’s Monster series that inspired numerous Dahmer-themed costumes.

“For the love of god, what the hell,” another user expressed. “People are turning SSB into a meme. So many fake accounts, fraudulent interviews/interactions with him, numerous fake sightings… especially on TikTok. I absolutely detest TikTok for this particular reason,” a third user added.

“I was so worried this would occur. TikTok can’t take anything seriously; it’s insane,” a fourth commented.

We have provided an analysis of whether Smartschoolboy9 has ever been arrested and other pertinent details about the case, including mask theories and warnings from tech experts for those attempting to trace him.


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