New update for Pokemon Go causes players to lose items

The most recent update has caused Pokemon Go players to become extremely frustrated, primarily because their avatars have been altered. However, there are also reports from players experiencing problems with their items.

The Pokemon Go community is known for effectively expressing their frustration with any changes made to the game. The recent update released by Niantic has left many feeling irritated.

In case you missed it, the game has updated its avatars with a new art style, causing dissatisfaction among a significant number of players. However, this is not the only problem arising from the update as some players are also experiencing issues with their items.

Particularly, several players have resorted to using social media platforms to express their frustration with regards to their missing or misplaced items. In fact, there have been reports of players having to repurchase items they already owned, similar to the individuals mentioned in this Reddit post.

Despite the new changes, many players remain frustrated. One individual even claimed that “Niantic owes us coins”and expressed disappointment over the disappearance of their favorite items. Other players also shared their grievances, including one who was irritated to find that all their saved outfits were missing.

Being a member of an online gaming community allows for the opportunity to showcase unique items and display your personal aesthetic through in-game cosmetics. Misplacing these items can be devastating, particularly if you have invested years into the game.

As a player, it can be frustrating to be unable to find certain items or to be dissatisfied with their appearance, especially if they are tied to in-game achievements.

In addition to expressing frustrations about not being able to locate items or having to use more coins to regain their preferred items, players also voiced worries about the avatar transformations.

If you have recently been involved in online Pokemon Go communities, you are likely aware that many people are extremely angry about the recent changes to the avatars. The art style has been altered and the overall appearances of the characters are noticeably distinct as well.

Despite Niantic’s recent efforts to improve the game with quality of life updates, the recent avatar and aesthetics update was not well-received by the community. So far, there have been no additional updates or announcements on this matter, but there is a possibility that we may see changes in the future.

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