Neymar calls out CS2 developers after clearly missing an AWP shot

On his Instagram account with over 200 million followers, soccer legend Neymar voiced his criticism towards the developers of Counter-Strike 2 for a missed AWP shot.

Throughout the years, Neymar has fully immersed himself in the Counter-Strike community. Through his Twitch streams and support for esports teams, his dedication and love for the game are evident.

Despite his fame and success, Neymar has proven to be just like any other gamer through a recent Instagram post. In the post, he can be seen calling out Valve for a missed AWP shot, demonstrating that he shares the same frustrations and complaints as other gamers.

Despite Neymar’s belief that he had hit his intended target, viewers observed that he had actually missed when he shot, as the story provided a detailed view of the enemy he was aiming at.

After translating, Neymar expressed his frustration by tagging the official Counter-Strike account in his post and exclaiming “CS is broken, look at this… there is no way”through translation.

Despite Neymar’s claims, members of the community were not convinced that he had successfully hit his shot. The top comment on the post, which had over a thousand likes, demonstrated that the majority believed he had actually missed.

“Am I mistaken, or did he really miss there?”

Other individuals have also faced difficulties with Counter-Strike 2, not just Neymar.

A recently discovered glitch functioned as a shortcut for gamers, causing professional player dev1ce to become so frustrated that he punched his monitor when the game unexpectedly shut down during an international competition. It appears that Neymar will need to improve his Counter-Strike 2 abilities in order to successfully defeat his opponents in future matches.

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