Niantic Urged to Improve PvP by Pokemon Go World Champion

Pokemon Go revolves around the concept of capturing Pokemon. The game’s main objective, “Gotta Catch ‘Em All,”serves as a condensed version of the iconic slogan and remains the driving force behind the game. It’s no surprise that other mechanics from the original games have taken a backseat, as players still cannot trade globally even eight years after its launch.

Despite its importance, the battle system is often overlooked by many players. Trainers are typically preoccupied with defeating the notorious Team Rocket and their leader Giovanni, or competing in the Great League after emerging victorious against skilled Trainers from all over the world.

Despite the community’s continuous feedback on Pokemon Go battles, the situation has reached a critical point with the recent call-out from previous World Champion itsAXN, who released a video titled “Niantic, please fix PvP,”directly addressing Niantic for a change in the current system.

In the video, the World Champion and content creator discusses numerous concerns with the game, while emphasizing their reluctance to spread negativity.

In anticipation of Worlds, numerous Pokemon players are preparing to invest a significant amount of money for the opportunity to compete. While losing fairly is understandable, some may face the unfortunate possibility of losing due to unforeseen issues within the game, resulting in not only losing the match but also a substantial amount of money.

The issues that itsAXN has listed include:

  • Intermittent game freezes
  • The 25-daily game limit
  • Frame skips on Android
  • Debuff text not appearing
  • Unhelpful known issues webpage

Several other players of Pokemon Go also expressed their agreement with the claims in the comments, with one individual stating, “The constant lags are becoming unbearable. I lost three games today due to the persistent stuttering.”

Many individuals expressed gratitude to itsAXN for speaking out on the topic, with one person stating, “I appreciate you creating this video”and emphasizing the importance of having more content creators and influential individuals in our community using their voice to address this issue.

Pokemon Go World Champion itsAXn breaks down issues with Pokemon Go in a YouTube video

Some Trainers have their own theories as to why battles are being forgotten. Some believe that the reason is because competitive Pokemon Go does not generate any profit, while the cost of skilled software engineers is high.

The problem has become overwhelming for certain players, with one individual stating, “I stopped playing Pokemon Go 2 years ago due to this issue.”Another player supported this statement, saying, “I was close to throwing my phone against the wall today because the delay caused me to lose 3 matches in one set.”

As of writing, there has been no statement from Niantic regarding Pokemon Go battles or any potential changes leading up to Worlds.

Now, you can obtain some powerful Pocket Monsters by participating in the upcoming Pokemon Go Community Day.

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