Nine-Fingers Keene’s bizarre inventory in Baldur’s Gate 3 actually makes perfect sense

Usually, pickpocketing in Baldur’s Gate 3 results in finding useful items. However, attempting to pickpocket Nine-Fingers Keen will only lead to a serious dagger-related issue. Upon further consideration, it becomes clear that her inventory is perfectly logical.

In Baldur’s Gate 3, numerous characters possess valuable items that are prohibitively expensive or can only be obtained through thievery. Therefore, many players resort to pickpocketing as a means of saving money or acquiring items that would otherwise be unattainable.

Nine-Fingers is not like the other characters who can easily be pickpocketed. If you attempt to steal from her, you will only find a large number of ordinary daggers. These daggers are not unique and can be found in random locations, which has caused some confusion among players.

In a Reddit post, ‘dotkodi’ inquired, “Why does someone require such a large number of daggers?”She also shared a picture of her inventory, revealing at least 28 daggers.

Only a few players of Baldur’s Gate 3 in the comments were able to provide answers, but it is worth noting that this may be connected to her passive abilities, ‘Dagger Specialist’ and ‘Dagger Thrower.’

This is the inside of Nine-Finger’s pickpocket inventory byu/dotkodi inBaldursGate3

The passive ability Dagger Specialist enables a creature to make three dagger throws per round, while Dagger Thrower grants a bonus equal to double your proficiency bonus to ranged attacks made with daggers.

Therefore, considering that she must always have an excessive number of daggers on her at all times in order to keep up with these requirements, it is understandable why her inventory contains so many. However, players were primarily perplexed about where she is able to store them all.

One player theorized that her chest armor panels were velcroed shut and hid multiple rows of knives. They also pointed out that her thigh and shin armor had dagger holsters, and her forearms and bicep armor were also equipped with daggers. The player also suggested that her hairpin was actually another hidden dagger.

The more plausible reasoning, which was supported by numerous players, was that since she can throw three daggers in a single round, she must always ensure that she has enough in her possession. Of course, it would be impractical for her to retrieve any thrown daggers from the enemy before being able to attack again.

Although not the sole character with a peculiar detail like this, Nine-Fingers Keene’s battle technique is undeniably one of the most intriguing ones that Baldur’s Gate 3 players have come across. Furthermore, if you ever find yourself in need of daggers, you now have a reliable source.

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