Ninja snaps at “brain-rot children” bugging him about Fortnite build mode

Ninja is fed up with being pestered by “brain-rot children”to play in build mode in Fortnite. In a passionate outburst, the 33-year-old streamer firmly stated that he is no longer interested in the mode and will not be swayed by the demands of “five-year-olds.”

Ninja, who gained immense popularity in 2017 for his exceptional Fortnite abilities, quickly became known as a build-mode prodigy. His impressive editing speed and intricate structures never failed to amaze his fans.

When Ninja first started streaming Fortnite, he was a youthful 26-year-old. Now, at the age of 33, he has become a seasoned veteran in the streaming industry and is not afraid to openly express his opinions on various topics.

Ninja made his stance clear on build mode in Fortnite in a streaming clip on his official YouTube channel, stating that he refuses to play it any longer.

“Ninja slammed, stating that it’s unbelievable that children, who are the ones trying to gaslight him, are suggesting he should prioritize playing builds. As a 33-year-old, his main goal is to have a maximum of 40 ping and he has decided to never play builds again.”

Ninja’s tirade delved into his strong dislike for build mode and the constant pestering he receives from “kids”about it. “No one pays attention anymore,”he exclaimed. “Building used to attract attention. Not anymore, man.”

Ninja didn’t stop at that. He strongly criticized parents for raising what he referred to as “brain-rot children”who harass him on the internet. “I will confront their parents for raising a child with a rotting brain,”he expressed his frustration. “I am now catering to a completely different generation.”

Ultimately, Ninja’s message was clear and direct: he has moved on from build mode and expects his fans to do the same. While the “kids”may not be pleased with this decision, Ninja is confident in his choice and believes they can continue to “crank 90s”on their own while he focuses on Zero Build mode.

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