NMIXX Recording Turns Into Fiery Accident: Drones Strike Members, Stage Engulfed in Flames, Audience Held Captive

NMIXX Recording Turns Into Fiery Accident: Drones Strike Members, Stage Engulfed in Flames, Audience Held Captive

A chaotic turn of events unfolded during NMIXX’s appearance on JTBC music show “K-909,”leaving fans and netizens stunned. On July 10, numerous Twitter users came forward with claims that NMIXX’s performance on the set of JTBC’s “K-909″took a distressing and unexpected turn.

NMIXX’s “K-909″Recording Turns Into a Nightmare

Witnesses described the NMIXX’s K-909 filming as an absolute nightmare. Not only did the stage catch fire, but a member of the group also fainted, and another was struck by a drone.

The incident was nothing short of shocking and frightening, diverting the audience’s attention from the group’s performance to their own safety, as they frantically sought to escape the escalating situation.
One attendee, sharing their experience from the K-909 recording, reflected on the initial allure of the beautifully arranged set.

However, due to a lack of attention to safety measures, disaster struck. The stage caught fire, leading to one person fainting. While the organizers issued an apology, the audience was reportedly not permitted to leave, resulting in exhaustion among attendees.

<!– wp:html –><blockquote class=”twitter-tweet”><p lang=”ko”dir=”ltr”>K909 사녹 후기<br>세트가 너무 예뻤고요 무슨 처리 잘못해서 작게 화재났는데 대피 안시켜서 사람 쓰려졌고<br>사과하시긴 했는데 나가지도 못하게 하고 덕분에 더 저질체력됨<br>노래는 좋은데 <br>규진이 머리에 드론도 끼고<br>두번은 안갈려고요 하..</p>&mdash; 제비 (@zdifkfc) <a href=”https://twitter.com/zdifkfc/status/1678218430351024135?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”>July 10, 2023</a></blockquote>

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Despite the unfortunate turn of events, the song itself was well-received. Nevertheless, a drone became entangled in Kyujin’s hair, adding to the unsettling atmosphere. This eyewitness vowed never to attend another recording in the future.

<!– wp:html –><blockquote class=”twitter-tweet”><p lang=”en”dir=”ltr”>thankfully the girls were able to flee and there are no reports of injuries. <br><br>some saying they also saw the drone bump into lily’s arm,, this is just upsetting 😕<br><br>“honestly they should’ve done an evacuation if there was a fire. the burnt smell was so strong, all they did was… <a href=”https://t.co/vcbPPNVatf”>pic.twitter.com/vcbPPNVatf</a></p>&mdash; jelly’s dream (@sullkyu) <a href=”https://twitter.com/sullkyu/status/1678254329579405312?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”>July 10, 2023</a></blockquote>

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(Photo : NMIXX)

In addition to these distressing accounts, netizens alleged that Lily, another member of NMIXX, was also struck by a drone. Fortunately, there have been no reports of any significant injuries sustained by the girls.


Netizen React shares thier mixed emotions on the incedent:

“They already finished film before the fire? And what is the cause why the props got fired”

“nmixx really are having a rather wild year with “stuff happening on stage”

“Oh no.. hope they’re fine. Thanks for updating”

“That’s a freaking major disaster no”

“Are you joking?”

Thankfully, the members of NMIXX managed to escape unharmed, and no injuries have been reported thus far.

Some individuals even claimed to have witnessed a drone colliding with Lily’s arm, further adding to the distressing nature of the incident.

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