No Longer Allowed in Another World Episode 12: Osamu Dazai’s Emotional Reunion with Sacchan That Leaves Sensei Heartbroken

No Longer Allowed in Another World episode 12, titled *Tonight I Shall Die, I Ride So That It Won’t Kill Me*, premiered on September 24, 2024, on AT-X and affiliated networks in Japan. This episode featured the highly anticipated reunion between Osamu Dazai, known as Sensei, and his beloved, Sacchan. Although Sensei still harbored thoughts of dying alongside Sacchan, she sensed a change in him.

After being rejected by Sacchan, Dazai sank deeper into melancholy. He departed from Gelb Castle and happened to encounter the Fairy Queen, who bestowed her blessings upon him. Meanwhile, *No Longer Allowed in Another World* episode 12 showcased Nir’s shocking attack on the Fallen Angel of Despair with his sword. AtelierPontdarc has impressively crafted this grand finale.

Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from *No Longer Allowed in Another World* episode 12.

No Longer Allowed in Another World episode 12: Osamu Dazai finally meets Sacchan

Sanzigen in the episode (Image via AtelierPontdarc)
Sanzigen in the episode (Image via AtelierPontdarc)

The episode begins with the dwarven army pushing back enemy forces through sheer strength. However, their leader refuses to celebrate until Wolff returns. Meanwhile, the Pope marvels at Sensei’s extraordinary powers.

Nir breaks Sanzigen's sword (Image via AtelierPontdarc)
Nir breaks Sanzigen’s sword (Image via AtelierPontdarc)

Sanzigen aims to eliminate everyone to accomplish his mission. Wolff employs his wind magic against Sanzigen, but the Otherworlder’s special armor negates his magic. With no other options, Tama charges at Sanzigen to deliver her Heavenly Fang.

The Otherworlder counters Tama’s commendable effort with a formidable blade, nearly defeating her. In that crucial moment, Nir intervenes with his sword, shattering Sanzigen’s weapon and piquing the Otherworlder’s curiosity.

The Fallen Angel of Despair advises Nir to train hard before departing. Following this encounter, episode 12 transitions back to Gelb Castle, where Donan and others celebrate with a party.

Wolff and Ysha (Image via AtelierPontdarc)
Wolff and Ysha (Image via AtelierPontdarc)

Amidst the festivities, Wolff reflects on the fate of Yuriko and Hikari, questioning whether the Church’s method of summoning heroes to Zauberberg is truly correct. Meanwhile, Melos faces rejection from Wolff’s familiar. Sensei reminds him that sometimes affection is not reciprocated.

As the episode unfolds, a woman passes by Sensei, leading to Osamu Dazai’s reunion with Sacchan. Overjoyed, Sensei expresses his desire to share everything with her, but his wish to die with her lingers.

Osamu Dazai and Sacchan (Image via AtelierPontdarc)
Osamu Dazai and Sacchan (Image via AtelierPontdarc)

Sacchan smiles, sensing that Sensei has changed during their time apart. She notices the spark of life in his eyes, absent in the past. However, Sensei insists he remains the same. At this moment, Annette, Nir, and Tama witness Sensei’s fateful encounter with Sacchan.

Sacchan feels that Sensei has found something more precious than death. Shortly after, she mysteriously vanishes.

No Longer Allowed in Another World episode 12: Nir learns about his sword

Nir and the blacksmith (Image via AtelierPontdarc)
Nir and the blacksmith (Image via AtelierPontdarc)

The following day, Sensei and his team visit the blacksmith who forged their gear to express their gratitude. Nir inquires about his sword, which his father left for him. The blacksmith, feeling Nir isn’t yet worthy of such a sword, encourages him to strengthen himself for the future.

In contrast, Sensei is heartbroken by Sacchan’s sentiments depicted in *No Longer Allowed in Another World* episode 12. He consumes several bottles of limitless sleeping pills to attempt to bring about his own death. However, Annette intervenes with her healing magic, as she often does.

Despite her efforts, Sensei refuses to heed her advice. He boards his coffin car and drives away. The episode then shows Annette, Nir, and Tama in pursuit of Osamu Dazai. Meanwhile, at the Demon Lord’s castle, the leader of the Fallen Otherworlders queries Sacchan about her encounter with her beloved. She affirms that Sensei remains her perfect match.

No Longer Allowed in Another World episode 12: Osamu Dazai meets the Fairy Queen

Sensei, as seen in No Longer Allowed in Another World episode 12 (Image via AtelierPontdarc)
Sensei, as seen in No Longer Allowed in Another World episode 12 (Image via AtelierPontdarc)

Devastated, Sensei speeds off into the desert horizon in his coffin car, leaving his companions behind. In search of him, Annette, Nir, and Tama arrive at Held village, previously visited by the old hero.

The villagers constructed a statue to honor the hero’s visit. However, one villager informs Annette and the group that the statue has been damaged and that someone headed toward the Holy Land of Orange. The elven mage realizes it must be Sensei.

No Longer Allowed in Another World episode 12 reveals that the Holy Land of Orange is the realm of the Fairies. Tama questions if Sensei will be safe, and the villager reassures them that entering the Orange land requires passing three trials: The Trial of Strength, The Trial of Wisdom, and The Trial of Soul.

The Fairy Queen in No Longer Allowed in Another World episode 12 (Image via AtelierPontdarc)
The Fairy Queen in No Longer Allowed in Another World episode 12 (Image via AtelierPontdarc)

According to *No Longer Allowed in Another World* episode 12, only the old hero succeeded in these trials and earned the Fairy Queen’s blessings. Thus, the villagers believe Annette and the others need not worry, as Sensei is unlikely to succeed. Nevertheless, Sensei manages to clear the trials and enters the Fairy Realm.

The Fairy Queen is intrigued by the arrival of an adventurer, noting he is only the second to have achieved such a feat. Alongside her, Elle and Sol welcome Sensei.

The queen questions Sensei about his desire for unwavering heart or absolute power as blessings. To her astonishment, Sensei opts for absolute death, feeling his beloved has ripped his heart apart.

The Fairy Queen's minions (Image via AtelierPontdarc)
The Fairy Queen’s minions (Image via AtelierPontdarc)

Elle and Sol chastise Osamu Dazai, reminding him to take the Queen’s words seriously. Yet, Sensei falls deeper into despair, haunted by his conversation with Sacchan.

Pitied by Sensei’s sorrow, the Fairy Queen struggles to reconcile that he received the blessing of Esche, the World Tree spirit. She questions why Esche would choose someone like him. Furthermore, she is bewildered to learn that Esche provided him with an endless supply of sleeping pills.

Surrounding turmoil at Zauberberg, with the Hellsehen and the Fallen Seven embroiled in conflict, complicates the world for the Fairy Queen. She concludes that Osamu Dazai’s evolution is a destiny that the world has set out for him.

Sensei receives the Fairy Flute (Image via AtelierPontdarc)
Sensei receives the Fairy Flute (Image via AtelierPontdarc)

The Fairy Queen informs Sensei that he will reunite with his beloved at the end of his journey. She does not compel him to save the world, instead encouraging him to continue with his adventures. She gifts him the Flute of the Fairy Queen, which summons fairies in times of distress.

*No Longer Allowed in Another World* episode 12 concludes with Sensei returning to Held village, where his party awaits. Osamu Dazai apologizes for worrying them and asks if they are prepared to resume their journey.

Osamu Dazai resumes his journey in No Longer Allowed in Another World episode 12 (Image via AtelierPontdarc)
Osamu Dazai resumes his journey in No Longer Allowed in Another World episode 12 (Image via AtelierPontdarc)

Meanwhile, Sensei plays the fairy flute, summoning Sol. The Fairy Queen instructs Sol to accompany Sensei on his adventure, believing it will be an ideal training opportunity for her to evolve into a full-fledged fairy.

No Longer Allowed in Another World episode 12 ends with Osamu Dazai embarking on his journey once more, while Ysha, the Pope, the enigmatic Otherworlder leader, and others speculate about his role in Zauberberg.


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