“Not Normal”: Twitter loses it as two dads take delivery of new-born child (Video)

A recent Twitter video showing two gay dads meeting their newly born daughter for the first time has sparked controversy among netizens.

The video posted by [email protected]_1 on Twitter shows a female nurse handing over the newly born to her fathers who can be seen feeling overwhelmed with happiness.

In the video, the nurse can be heard talking to the baby and saying happily “That’s exciting! Are you ready to meet your parents” before taking the new born in front of her fathers.

The two dads can be then seen crying in joy as they held their daughter for the first time.

Watch the video here:

While many people are pouring their hearts out to welcome the baby girl, others are finding the act to be inappropriate and labeling the video as ‘Not normal’ and unfitting.

Many are happy that the child is getting a loving family, others are referring it as unnatural and child trafficking. Why? only because it involves gay parents.

One user wrote:

“What a tragedy for that baby. What a disgrace for our country to have so perverted the beauty of God’s design for family”.

Another wrote:

“Every gay couple I’ve seen that I know I’m sorry to say, but all the children turn gay and that’s a fact I’ve seen it for myself and in my family out of my family. God help the babies and the children from the sick world”.

“Child trafficking is out in the open now. Evil”- a third user wrote.

“Bought a baby to grow up just as f’d up as they are”-another commented.

Another said:

“Not normal”

Here are some of the top reactions on Twitter:

Many Twitter users came up with mixed reactions, too

One use wrote:

“Well at least they seem grateful to have a kid. Hopefully they treat the child better than most of the freakshows we see as of late, straight or gay. There are always exceptions to the rule but yes—a mother and father is preferred”.

“Legit don’t see the problem here. Is it the “ideal” situation? Nah, probably not. But I’ve also *never* seen or even heard of any traditional mother/father situation being perfect either. And at least this child appears to have two loving parents – another commented.”

What does research say about same sex parents?

Same sex parenting is legal in several countries. (Photo via Pexels/Dziana Hasanbekava)
Same sex parenting is legal in several countries. (Photo via Pexels/Dziana Hasanbekava)

According to research published in BMJ Global Health, kids with lesbian, gay, transgender or other sexual minority parents develop fare as well as, or better than, children with opposite sex parents.

Studies suggest that parents’ sexual orientation is not an important factor of children’s development. The research showed that children in families with same sex parents fared as well as kids from opposite sex parents on a variety of metrics like education, physical health and mental stability.

Despite legalization and improvements in attitudes toward sexual minority couples, same sex parenting still remains a controversial topic all around the world.

The above Twitter video is an example of how many people are still judgmental and not ready to accept them in their society.

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