Nutritional information on beef liver: Incredible advantages of this nutrient-dense cuisine

The mind-blowing nutrition data for beef liver will convince you to include this food in your normal diet. Due to its high nutrient density, beef is one of the healthiest meats, although beef liver has a higher nutrient content. Organ meat has a different flavor and texture and is heavier in nutrients.

Many people eat liver meat, which contains a number of important vitamins and minerals. Because to the high bioavailability of nutrients, consuming a modest amount of cow liver each day can have amazing results. We present dietary information and health advantages for beef liver in this article that may surprise you.

Calories and nutrients in beef liver

Beef meat and liver are a powerhouse of nutrients. (Image via Unsplash/Eiliv Aceron)
Beef meat and liver are a powerhouse of nutrients. (Image via Unsplash/Eiliv Aceron)

Vitamin A and folate, which are nutrients important in ocular function and reproductive health, respectively, are particularly abundant in beef liver.

The following nutrients are found in four ounces of beef liver, per the U.S. Department of Agriculture:

  • Calories: 153 kcal
  • Fat: 4.1 grams
  • Sodium: 78 mg
  • Carbohydrates: 4.4 grams
  • Fiber: 0 gram
  • Sugars: 0 gram
  • Protein: 23 grams
  • Iron: 5.54 mg
  • Potassium: 354 mg
  • Zinc: 4.52 mg
  • Selenium: 44.9 mcg
  • Vitamin A: 5620 mcg
  • Vitamin B12: 67 mcg
  • Folate: 328 mcg
  • Choline: 376 mg
  • Vitamin D: 1.36 mcg
  • Vitamin K: 3.5 mcg

Beef liver is a hidden gem of important nutrients like vitamin K, iron, selenium, zinc, vitamin B12, and choline, as can be seen from the nutrition chart above.

There is very little fat and no fiber in beef liver. The following discussion includes information on the nutrients found in beef liver and their significance.

Nutritional data about beef liver

In a 100-gram serving of cow liver, the following nutrients serve the following purposes:

  • Beef liver contains 3,460% of the RDI for vitamin B12. DNA and red blood cells are both formed with the aid of vitamin B12. It is also connected to normal brain activity.
  • Beef liver contains 860–1,100% of the RDI for vitamin A. Normal vision, immune system health, and reproduction all depend on vitamin A. Moreover, it affects renal and cardiac function.
  • Beef liver provides 210–260% of the RDI for riboflavin (B2). The formation of cells and the metabolism of energy depend on riboflavin.
  • Beef liver provides 65% of the RDI for folate (B9). Folate is crucial for DNA synthesis and cell proliferation. This is a crucial component of the nutrition of cow liver.
  • For women of menstrual age, beef liver offers 35% of the RDI for iron, or 80% of the RDI. Iron helps the body transport oxygen by collaborating with hemoglobin. Heme iron, which has the maximum bioavailability, is found in beef liver.
  • Copper: Nutritional data on beef liver It has a startling 1,620% of the recommended daily intake (RDI) of copper, which aids in controlling energy production, iron metabolism, and brain function. It participates in enzymatic activities as well.
  • Choline: A mineral essential for brain development and liver function, beef liver provides the entire Adequate Intake (AI) for women and nearly all of it for males.

When liver meat is unavailable, ground beef, which also contains all these elements but in smaller amounts, can be added to the diet.

Benefits of beef liver for nutrition

Amazing sources of protein, iron, and vitamin B12 may be found in beef liver. These necessary nutrients are necessary for many body processes, such as the synthesis of red blood cells and the transportation of oxygen. Anemia is a condition caused by an iron shortage.

Nutritional information about beef liver: Selenium, a rare mineral that is crucial for thyroid health and DNA repair, is present in beef liver. The salt and potassium content of liver meat makes it the optimal food for preserving electrolyte balance.

The health risks of processed meat products are well known. So, it is thought that eating freshly prepared beef flesh and cow liver is optimal for general health.

Beef liver pills from Vital Proteins

Vital protein brings beef liver nutrition in a capsule. (Image via Unsplash/little plant)
Vital protein brings beef liver nutrition in a capsule. (Image via Unsplash/little plant)

A well-known supplement company that makes cow liver capsules is called Vital Proteins. It seeks to deliver all the nutritional advantages of cow liver without consuming the meat in its raw state.

These capsules may be a wonderful solution for those who dislike the taste and smell of organ meat to obtain all the necessary nutrients included in beef liver. This capsule makes the claim that it can prevent iron deficiency anemia since beef liver is a food high in iron.

With a diploma in dietetics and personal training and a focus in sports nutrition and strength training, Indranil Biswas is a nutritionist and personal trainer.

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