Oh My Girl: Junior Groups No Longer Do Greetings, They Just Say Hi when Passing By

On Thursday, August 29, Oh My Girl made an appearance on KBS Cool FM’s “Park Myung-soo’s Radio Show.”

During the show, DJ Park Myung-soo inquired about their recent activities and mentioned that he had done a duet with Hyojung. However, they were unable to meet up and ended up recording their parts separately.

Despite his disappointment, Park Myung-soo acknowledged that the song was unable to pass the broadcast review and therefore could not be aired. He believed that it had the potential to be a sleeper hit.

oh my girl

Even though I am not very close with the members of Oh My Girl, I have a fondness for them. I may not message them frequently, but every time I see them, they never fail to bring positivity and joy.

Oh My Girl was asked by Park Myung-soo if junior groups still come to greet them at music shows. Their response was that due to changing culture, junior groups no longer come to greet them. However, Oh My Girl clarified that they do not ignore them and often exchange greetings while passing by.

Oh My Girl attributes their decade-long success to the mutual respect among their members. They maintain clear boundaries and avoid major conflicts, allowing for smooth flow and harmony within the group.

Park Myung-soo playfully asked, “Could it be because you two don’t see each other frequently?”Oh My Girl chuckled and responded, “That may play a role. We highly cherish our individual time.”

The information is available at Daum.

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