Oklahoma State Fair: Man Allegedly Uses Porta Potty Waste to Win Car

A man has been accused of using feces from a porta-potty to secure a car in a contest held at the Oklahoma State Fair.

During the Oklahoma State Fair in September, a local business ran the “Stinkin Sentra” contest, where participants had the opportunity to win a Nissan Sentra by staying inside the vehicle for as long as possible.

Over several days, contestants received three meals daily along with various snacks. All food items brought into the car had to remain there until the contest concluded. This stipulation means that if a participant only consumed half of a corndog provided for dinner, the remaining half had to stay inside the vehicle. As days passed, the accumulation of food led to an unpleasant odor inside the car.

Participants were occasionally allowed 15-minute bathroom breaks to exit the Nissan. It was during one of these breaks that the alleged winner reportedly retrieved a cup of feces from a porta-potty and returned with it to the car.

Chris Deschner, who finished in second place, quickly accused him of this act. He posted a video on his Facebook page asserting that the organizers of the contest discovered the cup of feces in the car but chose not to disqualify the competitor.

“You’re not allowed to defecate in the car; what’s the difference between that and scooping it out of the porta-potty?” he stated. “You also aren’t allowed to bring items in and out of the car.”

“Am I angry? Absolutely. But at the same time, I believe I won. Do I have the car? No, but I know I outperformed him. You have to reach very low levels to scoop poop from a porta-potty with your own hand,” he added.

This incident is not the first car-related feces story to gain popularity on the internet. In 2023, a woman went viral on TikTok after confronting her neighbor for defecating on her car following a night of drinking.


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