OMEGA X joined the new company! Korean media revealed that the new owner participated in the production of 45 “love action movies”, which again attracted heated discussions among netizens

(Cover image source: FB@OMEGA X)

Remember that boy group OMEGA X that was squeezed by the brokerage company for a long time? The members have already signed with new clubs.

When it comes to OMEGA X, they can be said to be the worst boy group in history. During the contract period with the brokerage company SPIRE Entertainment, they encountered a lot of unfair treatment, including long working hours and low treatment. The most frightening thing is that company representatives often commit violence and verbal insults to members. The unbearable OMEGA X held a press conference, complaining that it has been violently treated by representatives and others, and was also called to the banquet for sexual harassment.

(Source: FB@OMEGA X)

According to an exclusive report by the Korean media “jtbc News”, all members of OMEGA X have signed an exclusive contract with IPQ in July, and the members hope to meet the fans again as a complete body. The report also revealed that IPQ is a large-scale online distribution agency company that manages and operates the copyrights of movies, albums, web comics and game IPs. With the joining of OMEGA X, the company has officially stepped into the field of entertainment brokerage. “jtbc News”mentioned that IPQ has participated in the production of movies and web dramas. OMEGA X members Jae Han and Ye Chan starred in the BL web drama “Please Comfort the Boy”from this company. At the same time, IPQ has also produced 45 pornographic videos. Although it is not illegal to produce and distribute such videos, most of them are related to unethical themes such as incest and rape by close relatives. Therefore, Korean media are worried about joining such a broker. The company will bring negative videos to OMEGA X.

(Source: “Please Comfort the Boy”)

Related matters quickly sparked heated discussions on theqoo, a well-known Korean communication website. Netizens said: “The children are so pitiful”, “It feels like they have just stepped out of the wolf’s den and into the tiger’s den”, “So the reporter of jtbc wants to bring What rhythm? On the surface, I feel that I am worrying about them, but in fact, I am trying to whitewash the former company. Is it to say that the new company is not as good as the former owner??”, “So what? As long as it is not illegal”, “The BL played by the members is not a pornographic film, it doesn’t even have a kiss scene, it’s very pure, and the company didn’t let them act in strange movies” , “This reporter can express BL as a pornographic film, speechless” , “It’s so weird, This kind of company will actually introduce idol groups”, “The children are so pitiful, they are always bullied by the people around them”, etc.

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