One of Naruto’s Most Iconic Moments Turns 14, and Fans are Still Emotional

It has been 14 years since Naruto emerged victorious over Pain and became the renowned hero of Konoha, yet the significance of that moment remains just as powerful.

Despite being despised and rejected by the villagers for harboring Kurama, the nine-tailed fox, the titular protagonist Naruto never gave up on his dream of becoming the Hokage and earning the respect of the people. Throughout the series, we have fervently supported him in his journey.

Undoubtedly, the fulfillment of a part of that dream was an incredibly emotional experience. Naruto, who had been despised for his entire life, was finally acknowledged by the people after he defeated Nagato and protected Konoha from the invasion in Naruto Shippuden Episode 175.

Today marks the 14th anniversary of the beloved episode, which was originally released on August 27, 2017. In this particular episode, Naruto comes back to a partially destroyed Konoha, and is warmly welcomed and honored by his companions and fellow villagers.

As Naruto is lifted into the air, overcome with joy, Iruka watches with tears in his eyes. The teacher remembers the Third Hokage’s words, in which he shared the Fourth Hokage’s wish for Naruto to be seen as a hero. The late Hokage’s dream has finally been realized.

This moment is not only significant for Iruka, but also for the fans who have been supporting the main character throughout the series. Witnessing Naruto finally receiving recognition is both motivating and heartwarming, solidifying its place as one of the most memorable moments in the anime.

Despite being 14 years old, this scene from Naruto Shippuden continues to receive praise and excitement from fans. In fact, one fan with the username X commented, “Kishimoto’s conclusion to the Pain Arc was truly flawless.”

“Another person wrote, “I cried when this episode was broadcasted,”while someone else added, “This was one of my favorite moments in the entire anime.”

“One fan shared how on this day, Naruto’s bravery saved Konoha from destruction beyond imagination, cementing his status as a true hero. His sacrifice will always be remembered.”

Another person chimed in, stating, “This was definitely the highlight of the series for me! Seeing Naruto transform from an outcast to a hero was so satisfying. I remember thinking, ‘Yes! He’s finally being recognized as someone important!’

As we commemorate the anniversary of this amazing moment, there is also excitement over the possibility of the Naruto creator working on a new manga. However, fans will have to wait patiently as it is not expected to happen anytime soon.

Until then, take a look at Masashi Kishimoto’s expression of remorse for the most despised character in the story and the One Piece editor’s contentious statement about Naruto.

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