One Piece Chapter 1115 Confirms an Old Fan Theory Inspired by The Legend of Zelda

On Tuesday, May 21, 2024, the initial spoilers for One Piece chapter 1115 were released. These spoilers revealed exciting information about Joy Boy and the Void Century, including the true shape of the world in the series. It was revealed that before and during the Void Century, the world’s surface was covered in continents, making it the most thrilling reveal of all.

In One Piece chapter 1115, Dr. Vegapunk reveals that the continents that existed one thousand years ago were submerged due to a 200-meter rise in sea levels. He also confirms that the current inhabitants of the series’ world reside on the remaining fragments of these continents, similar to the establishment of modern-day Wano.

While certainly thrilling on its own, this revelation in One Piece chapter 1115 also provides evidence for several fan theories about the presence of continents within the series. One popular theory draws comparisons between Oda’s world and the world featured in Shigeru Miyamoto’s beloved video game franchise, The Legend of Zelda, which appears to have been validated.

One Piece Chapter 1115 Takes Inspiration from The Wind Waker Video Game for Latest Reveal

In both The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker and Oda’s manga series, fans are immersed in a world of small islands with no major land masses. Although Oda’s manga features the Red Line, the similarities have been recognized by fans of the series for many years.

Although fans never specifically theorized that Oda took inspiration from The Wind Waker, many suspected that the settings of both worlds would be similar. Just as The Wind Waker unveiled the great flooding of the Kingdom of Hyrule to establish its world, One Piece chapter 1115 has now confirmed the same for its own world.

The islands that fans see in both worlds are remnants of mountains and other large land masses that were submerged in a flood of immense, possibly biblical, proportions. In chapter 1115 of One Piece, Dr. Vegapunk explicitly confirms this, leaving little room for interpretation.

Comment byu/AlexDownTheRoad from discussion inOnePiece

Additionally, he verifies that the rise in sea levels was 200 meters. This, coupled with the knowledge that the majority of mountains are considered to be at least 300 meters tall, provides a logical explanation for the remaining “islands”in the world of the series. This also clarifies why certain islands, like Long Ring Long Land, are relatively flat, while others, such as Dawn Island where Foosha Village is situated, have diverse terrain.

Despite the undeniable excitement surrounding the confirmation of this fan theory, the latest reveal has far-reaching implications that extend beyond the origins of the series’ world. It appears to foreshadow the final showdown against Imu, as Dr. Vegapunk’s statement implies that the war Joy Boy fought is not yet over. In addition, the ongoing rise in sea levels in the series’ present day suggests that Imu is determined to finish what he and the Gorosei began centuries ago.

At the time of writing this article, it is only speculation and cannot be confirmed yet, despite the currently available spoilers for chapter 1115. However, fans can take comfort in the fact that one of the oldest theories in the community has been confirmed, and hopefully, there will be many more confirmations to come in the Final Saga.

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