One Piece Chapter 1119: Solving the Biggest Controversy of the Egghead Arc

Bonney’s transformation, which has been widely debated as the most contentious moment in the Egghead Island Arc of One Piece, has now been quelled thanks to the release of Chapter 1119 spoilers.

The Nika transformation of Bonney in One Piece Chapter 1118 caused a stir within the community. The chapter sparked a debate among fans about the implications of this unexpected development. However, the chapter left some mysteries unanswered, leaving readers confused about Bonney’s ability to use a power similar to Luffy’s.

Furthermore, Bonney’s metamorphosis is not driven by authority, but rather represents her liberation. Kuma had assured her that Nika would eventually rescue her. In the most recent installment, Luffy motivates her to embrace this transformation and utilize Distorted Future, envisioning a future where she is completely emancipated. Note: This piece includes spoilers from the upcoming One Piece Chapter 1119.

One Piece Bonney transformation
Manga Plus

The previous week, there was a lot of negative conversation in the community. A One Piece leaker, who shared spoilers on his Twitter account, expressed his opinion: “I believe that every person is entitled to their own likes and dislikes when it comes to One Piece. Not liking something does not make you any less of a fan. In fact, even Oda himself acknowledged in 2022 that there will be parts of the final saga that may not be well-received by everyone. Ultimately, he is creating it for his own enjoyment and passion.”

After resolving the controversy surrounding the Egghead Island Arc, One Piece Chapter 1119 confirms that Bonney’s transformation is fake. She joins forces with Luffy, Franky, and Sanji to launch a combined attack before becoming exhausted. It seems unlikely that she will use this transformation again in the near future, given her current state of exhaustion.

A single fan remarks, “All the critics of Oda and Bonney seem to have gone silent.”

“Continuing with Kanjuro’s deceit as Oden and then the revelation of Luffy as a reincarnation of Joy Boy, and now this situation with Bonney. When will you all realize the importance of withholding judgement until the cliffhanger moment?”shared another.

Another fan also adds, “It’s disappointing to see half of the fandom being exposed for their lack of reading comprehension and basic understanding of the story, all because of one attack.”

Additionally, take a moment to examine Iron Giant’s name, as it will be unveiled in the upcoming chapter.

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