One Piece fans accuse Toei of sabotaging Sanji’s coolness in episode 1105

On May 19, 2024, the highly anticipated One Piece episode 1105 was finally released. This installment carried on with the intense chase of CP-0 after Vegapunk, with the added twist of Stussy immobilizing Lucci and Kaku with her enigmatic abilities.

The episode also featured a clash between the Seraphim and Vegapunk satellites, during which Vegapunk Edison successfully prevented the Seraphim from causing chaos on Egghead Island.

Additionally, the chapter depicted Spinhx island, which was recently restored after the World Government’s visit and rescued by Edward Weevil.

Despite its initial success, the chapter faced criticism from One Piece fans who believed that a particular scene was not properly executed. Many fans felt that the scene, in which Sanji rescues Edison, was portrayed too slowly and may have portrayed Sanji as weak. This controversy caused quite a surprise among fans of the series.

Disclaimer: The following contains the author’s opinion and may reveal potential spoilers from One Piece episode 1105.

Fans respond to Sanji rescuing Edison in One Piece episode 1105

Stussy as seen in the episode (Image via Toei Animation)
Stussy as seen in the episode (Image via Toei Animation)

The title of Episode 1105 was A Beautiful Act of Treason! The Spy, Stussy! The episode picked up right where the previous one left off, with Stussy having immobilized Lucci and Kaku, causing Zoro to turn against her. However, she reassured him that she had no intention of harming the Straw Hat Pirates.

Afterward, she contacted Vegapunk and informed him that she had successfully apprehended Lucci and Kaku. However, she was unable to alter the position that Lucci had assigned to the Seraphim, as she did not hold a higher rank on the control list.

Shaka gave her his word that Lilith and Edison were en route to handle the situation. Once they arrived, Lilith summoned the Seraphim and was immediately assaulted by S-Hawk. Luckily, Zoro came to her rescue just in time.

Despite Edison’s timely arrival and order for them to cease, S-Shark had already launched a power blast at him. The force of the blast caused significant damage to the building, resulting in Lilith’s subsequent fall.

Franky arrived just in time to save Lilith, but she couldn’t help but worry about Edison. Luckily, Sanji made a surprise entrance and was able to save him.

Weevil as seen in the episode (Image via Toei Animation)
Weevil as seen in the episode (Image via Toei Animation)

On Sphinx Island, the locals approached Marco to inform him of the imminent arrival of Marines. They recounted how they had been rescued by Weevil and Buckingham Stussy, who had also requested Marco’s help in saving her child. The episode concluded with the revelation that Saint Saturn was making his way to Egghead Island.

According to fans of One Piece, the scene in which Sanji rescues Edison was portrayed with a deliberate pace as he can be seen leaping from the explosion site before gracefully landing on the ground with Edison.

Fan Reactions: Edison Saved by Sanji from S-Shark’s Blast

Lilith after Edison was saved by Sanji (Image via Toei Animation)
Lilith after Edison was saved by Sanji (Image via Toei Animation)

The majority of the fanbase engaged in debates over Toei Animation’s portrayal of Sanji, the character from One Piece. Many argued that the studio did not showcase Sanji’s strength and instead favored Zoro, as evidenced by Sanji’s slower display against S-hawk compared to Zoro’s speed. This led to speculation that Toei Animation may have a bias against Sanji.

“Was expecting better from this scene. It was superior in the manga,”a fan said.

“Another sanji scene fumbled. toei gotta have a anti sanji agenda cause this is becoming a joke,”another fan said.

“This got to be sometype of hate towards sanji seriously what is Toei doing. No hate towards zoro but they animate him vs s-hawk with speed feats shown but for sanji it just a looks as if he was using the boots. From my pov though,”another one argued.

The manga panels where Sanji saved Edison (Image via Toei Animation)
The manga panels where Sanji saved Edison (Image via Toei Animation)

Additionally, certain fans strengthened their argument by referencing the identical scene in the manga. They claimed that in the manga, when Sanji rescued Edison and landed beside Zoro, the latter displayed a perplexed response to the cook’s rapidity.

Fans argued that this was what the studio failed to capture and therefore claimed that the animation studio did not accurately portray the personality of the Straw Hat Pirates’ chef.

“Why did Toei remove Zoro’s confused reaction to Sanji’s speed??”a fan said

“This was not in the manga Sanji appeared next to zoro who was schocked because of sanjis feat,”another fan said

“Toei fumbling a sanji moment yet again, nothing new,”another fan said

Concluding Remarks

The One Piece fans mentioned in this article are specifically referring to the Sanji fans who criticized Toei Animation for not accurately portraying their beloved character. It is important to note that animation studios are impartial organizations where personal preferences do not hold any weight.

It is important to show respect towards animation studios as they work hard every week to entertain fans. Whether or not the scene mentioned in this article was fair to Sanji is a matter of individual perspective for each fan.

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