In the world of shonen, fans of One Piece and Naruto have been engaged in a heated debate over which war arc reigns supreme. The Marineford arc from One Piece and the Fourth Great Shinobi War from Naruto are the primary contenders, sparking numerous discussions on their significance within their respective series and their lasting impact over the years, especially in the manga.
Despite being initially criticized as the lowest point of the series, many Naruto fans now argue that the Fourth Great Shinobi War has withstood the test of time. In contrast, fans of One Piece still maintain that Marifenord remains the strongest arc in the series and a standout in the world of shonen manga.
As is often the case, this is a matter of personal opinion and the greatest war arc in shonen is always a matter of perspective. However, this conversation also offers some intriguing perspectives.
Please be aware that this article contains spoilers for both series.
Discussion: One Piece and Naruto’s Top War Arcs in Shonen Anime
Both series’ fans have engaged in ongoing debates for years on various topics. Most recently, a user on X asserted that the Great Fourth Shinobi War is the greatest war arc in shonen, sparking further discussions. Other fans have argued that Marineford, with its epic scale and memorable moments like the tragic deaths of Whitebeard and Ace, should hold the title of best war arc in shonen.
Despite facing criticism during its run in the manga, the Great Fourth Shinobi War was not without its highlights. While some claimed it was the lowest point of Masashi Kishimoto’s work, others argued that there were truly compelling moments, such as Madara’s arrival at the war, Might Guy’s last stand, and a few more.
“I’m a hard 4GNW defender but nah, This arc exists,”(shows a Gif of the Marineford arc), someone said.
“I don’t know. Marineford still hits a full decade later. It shifted OP into a new era..,”someone else said.
“is that even a doubt,”another fan commented.
It is important to note that the two arcs play distinct roles in their respective series. The Fourth Great Shinobi War arc effectively brought Kishimoto’s manga to a close, while Marineford laid the foundation for many subplots in Eiichiro Oda’s story.
“One piece isn’t finished yet. But yes,”a fan commented.
“War arc is literally the reason I can’t give Naruto a 10/10,”another person said.
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Despite some powerful moments, the Fourth Great Shinobi War also had its flaws, including the imperfect resolution of Obito Uchiha’s redemption and the underwhelming defeat of Madara Uchiha by Black Zetsu. Additionally, the introduction of Kaguya Otsutsuki may have occurred too late in the story.
However, Marineford not only heightened the tension in Oda’s series, but it also solidified the importance of certain characters, namely Akainu and Whitebeard. Additionally, it marked a pivotal moment for Luffy as he suffered his first major defeat in the One Piece series, losing his beloved brother Ace despite his determined efforts to save him.
“Yes but kaguya,”a fan said.
“We still haven’t seen the official OP one so we shall come back to this when that happens,”another person commented.
“Literally Narutos worst arc,”another argument.
Despite any individual preferences, both Oda and Kishimoto’s careers were greatly shaped by these two series, and they continue to be beloved by anime fans, regardless of the changing opinions over time.
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