One Piece finally reveals the mysterious Egghead silhouette in episode 1107

The Egghead Arc, which is currently ongoing, signifies the start of One Piece’s ultimate saga. Following the conclusion of the Wano conflict, the Straw Hat Pirates make their way to Egghead, an island housing the advanced laboratory of Dr. Vegapunk. As the story progresses, the crew becomes entangled in the World Government’s plot to eliminate Vegapunk.

The situation became increasingly complex when the Straw Hats opted to bring Vegapunk along and depart from the island, but the elderly scientist unexpectedly vanished. Pythagoras, one of the six satellite bodies, ventured out to search for Vegapunk but was unexpectedly ambushed by an unidentified attacker, barely managing to survive the assault.

The enigma surrounding an unknown figure seen by the satellite Shaka destroying surveillance cameras in the laboratory only grew deeper. Although the One Piece manga has left the identity of this mystery person unexplained, the anime adaptation finally revealed the answer in episode 1107.

One Piece Episode 1107: The Identity of the Mysterious Attacker Revealed

A dangerous individual moving in the shadows of the laboratory

The mysterious silhouette as seen in the anime (Image via Toei Animation)
The mysterious silhouette as seen in the anime (Image via Toei Animation)

Upon learning about Vegapunk’s disappearance, the Straw Hat Pirates split up into multiple groups to search for the scientist using his satellite bodies. Luffy and Zoro were the only ones who did not join in the search, as they stayed behind to monitor the movements of CP0’s Lucci and Kaku.

While searching for Vegapunk, the research teams split up, causing Shaka to lose contact with Pythagoras as a result of a massive explosion. In an attempt to investigate the situation, Shaka used the area’s Cameko, a type of Radio Snail capable of capturing and transmitting images, to survey the scene at Building C of the laboratory.

The mysterious silhouette as seen in the manga (Image via Shueisha)
The mysterious silhouette as seen in the manga (Image via Shueisha)

Despite Shaka’s shock, he was unable to intervene as an unknown individual reached out their hand and swiftly destroyed the cameras. This was depicted from Cameko’s perspective in both the original manga chapter and the anime adaptation.

Despite the progression of the narrative, the manga never revealed the identity of the enigmatic figure. Curious to uncover the truth, dedicated One Piece fans have created a plethora of imaginative theories. The prevailing belief is that the culprit behind the camera destruction was Saint Jaygarcia Saturn, one of the Five Elders.

Saint Jaygarcia Saturn, one of the Five Elders (Image via Toei Animation)
Saint Jaygarcia Saturn, one of the Five Elders (Image via Toei Animation)

Undoubtedly, the silhouette bore a striking resemblance to Saint Saturn’s distinctive dreadlocks and flat hat. It is important to mention that during the events, Saint Saturn was approaching Egghead alongside the vast fleet sent by the World Government to attack the island.

Considering the resemblance of the silhouette to Saturn’s appearance and the fact that the menacing old man was directly approaching Egghead, numerous fans were convinced that the shadowy figure was indeed the Elder.

There were speculations among fans that Saturn had reached Egghead before the rest of the fleet, and had already managed to infiltrate the laboratory on the island. Another commonly held belief was that Saturn was still on the World Government’s ship, but had the ability to project himself far away using a special technique.

One Piece episode 1107: Unraveling the Mystery

The culprit is S-Snake (Image via Toei Animation)
The culprit is S-Snake (Image via Toei Animation)

Although intriguing, the aforementioned hypotheses were debunked by the anime adaptation. In One Piece episode 1107, titled “A Shudder! The Evil Hand Creeping Up on the Laboratory,”it was revealed that the figure Shaka caught a glimpse of on the monitor was actually S-Snake, a member of the Seraphim.

One by one, S-Snake systematically destroyed each surveillance camera in the laboratory before turning its attention to the team consisting of Franky, Usopp, York, and Lilith. Utilizing an artificial imitation of the Love-Love Fruit’s abilities, the cyborg successfully petrified York.

In the previous installments, Edison and Lilith successfully commanded the Seraphim to cease their actions, but the cyborgs once again rebelled. It is important to note that the Seraphim do not act on their own accord, but rather carry out their duties based on precise and explicit commands.

S-Snake, the cyborg based on Boa Hancock (Image via Toei Animation)
S-Snake, the cyborg based on Boa Hancock (Image via Toei Animation)

It is apparent that the cyborg was sent to interfere with the surveillance system, making it impossible for the Straw Hats and their allies, the Five Elders, Vegapunk and his six satellites, and Sentomaru, to locate Vegapunk. This is due to the fact that only these individuals possess the necessary authority chip to command the cyborg.

Hence, there is a person in the laboratory who is openly scheming against the scientist and possibly everyone on the island. It should be noted that readers of the manga are already aware of the true identity of the enigmatic saboteur who has taken control of S-Snake, while those who only watch the anime will discover the answer in the upcoming episodes of One Piece.

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