As the One Piece manga series, written and illustrated by Eiichiro Oda, resumes serialization after a forced publication hiatus, the spoiler process for the highly anticipated chapter 1123 has also begun. This initial phase of the spoiler process is usually initiated by Redon, the lead series leaker and formerly known as Twitter user @Mugiwara_23, who starts the “hints”portion of the process.
In this hints section, Redon usually shares GIFs or images that abstractly convey different elements of the upcoming One Piece chapter. This can range from the location and characters to major plot developments and reveals. Similarly, the hints for chapter 1123 indicate a possible reappearance of the Puffing Tom seatrain and hint at one of the Gorosei being revealed as a traitor while riding it towards Enies Lobby.
Hints on Kuma seeking death from Bonney after Egghead arc
Redon’s initial clue was shared with X on Sunday, August 11, 2024 at 4PM Eastern Standard Time (EST). The clue in question is a GIF displaying a puzzle of a train being solved. Though not conclusive on its own, the second clue provides additional details. It was posted at 5:53AM EST on Monday, August 12, and showed a steam train emitting billows of smoke from its chimney.
In the popular One Piece manga series created by Oda, there is currently only one train known to fans. Interestingly, this train is called the Puffing Tom. Based on Redon’s clues, it appears that the Puffing Tom will play a significant role in the upcoming issue. This train is notable for its destination, the judicial island of Enies Lobby, which also serves as a gateway to Impel Down and the former Marineford.
Redon’s third hint, shared at 8:20AM EST on Monday, August 12, adds more insight to the situation. It is a GIF depicting a man with what appears to be gray hair or a gray beard, yelling “traitor”towards the camera. This hint, combined with the previous one, implies that the conflict will involve a betrayer being taken to the Enies Lobby on the Puffing Tom for legal proceedings.
Two of the top contenders for the position are believed to be Saint Jaygarcia Saturn and Saint Marcus Mars, both members of the Gorosei. Given Saturn’s recent failure at Egghead Island, many speculate that Imu may take advantage of the situation to eliminate and silence him for good. Additionally, there have been previous indications that Mars could potentially be a traitor within the Gorosei.
It is also possible to interpret that the accusations of traitorism are not directed towards One Piece’s Gorosei, but rather they are the ones accusing others. This theory suggests that Saint Saturn, who is currently on Egghead, may be threatening other Marines and World Government agents present by accusing them of treason. He could also be promising to have them brought to Enies Lobby on the Puffing Tom to face trial for their alleged crimes, which would make sense in light of the first two clues.
The fourth hint, which was shared on Monday, August 12, 2024 at 12:41PM EST, appears to be quite clear. It features a GIF of a contently sleeping baby, which is most likely a reference to Luffy’s post-battle routine of eating and sleeping, as he is known for doing so after a major fight.
The last clue, which was released on Monday at 7PM EST, shows a GIF of an elderly man with the words “I implore you, allow me to pass away.”This clue is relatively easy to decipher, leaving only the task of figuring out who utters these words. The top contenders are Bartholomew Kuma and Vegapunk Lilith, as both have valid reasons for wanting to die or have found contentment after the events of the Egghead arc.
There is another way to interpret the fifth hint, which suggests that Dr. Vegapunk is requesting Luffy and the others to allow him to pass away. However, this appears improbable as his broadcast was confirmed to be a result of his physical body’s demise. Additionally, the use of an elderly man in the GIF is likely intended to mislead fans from the correct answer. Nevertheless, fans can expect to receive answers soon, as initial spoilers are typically released shortly after the hints process.
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- One Piece chapter 1123 major predictions
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