One Piece highlights exactly why Bonney shouldn’t join the Straw Hats in Chapter 1118

The highly anticipated One Piece chapter 1118 is scheduled for release on June 24, 2024. However, the chapter’s spoilers have already been revealed, causing a buzz among fans. The revelation of Bonney copying Luffy’s Nika form has caused quite a stir, potentially confirming a long-standing speculation within the fandom.

The previous chapter ended abruptly with the discovery of Vegapunk’s message, but in this chapter, readers catch a glimpse of it once again. Additionally, the Gorosei continue their pursuit of the remaining Vegapunk satellites, which had escaped from Egghead Island with the Straw Hats Pirates.

Towards the conclusion of the chapter, Luffy and Bonney, both in their Nika forms, fiercely advanced towards the Marine soldiers. While there is no confirmation of Bonney’s ability to fully utilize Nika’s powers, it can be assumed that she possesses the same techniques as Luffy’s Gear 5. As such, it would not be advisable for her to join the Straw Hat Pirates, as having two Nika personas in the same crew would be deemed as poor storytelling.

This article includes the author’s opinion and may contain spoilers from the One Piece manga series.

One Piece: Bonney’s Transformation into Nika and its Implications for Joining Luffy’s Pirate Crew

The Iron Giant as seen in the anime (Image via Toei Animation)
The Iron Giant as seen in the anime (Image via Toei Animation)

The One Piece chapter 1118 spoilers revealed that the Iron Giant began sinking into the depths of the sea while questioning Joyboy’s whereabouts. The focus then turned to the Dressrosa Kingdom, where citizens were seen reacting to the interruption of Vegapunk’s message.

Upon returning to Egghead Island, the chapter saw the Gorosei inquire Vegapunk York about the remaining Vegapunk satellites in their pursuit to eradicate all remnants. Luffy, accompanied by the Giants, also boarded their ship to flee the island.

Saint Marcus as seen in the anime (Image via Toei Animation)
Saint Marcus as seen in the anime (Image via Toei Animation)

Bonney, having already used her quirk on the Marine captains, joined Luffy on their ship. As the crew indulged in a feast aboard the Giants’ vessel, Saint Marcus suddenly appeared, announcing that they were not permitted to flee. Luffy, sensing the imminent threat, activated his Gear 5 transformation.

Upon transforming, he urged Bonney to do the same by mimicking his abilities. Recalling her father’s tales, Bonney envisioned a world where Nika existed and utilized Distorted Future to take on a Nika form reminiscent of Luffy’s Gear 5. Together, they stormed towards Saint Marcus, and the Iron Giant reacted to Luffy’s newfound transformation.

Monkey D Luffy as seen in the anime (Image via Toei Animation)
Monkey D Luffy as seen in the anime (Image via Toei Animation)

The Nika form, also known as Gear 5, is a manifestation of the awakened abilities of the Human-Human devil fruit (Model: Nika). This form grants Luffy the power to defeat even the most formidable foes, as demonstrated by his victories against Kaido and the Gorosei.

Obtaining this power could potentially create some complications for Bonney. Firstly, it would have an impact on the One Piece lore, as the idea of Bonney possessing the true Nika powers seems unrelated and illogical to her devil fruit abilities.

Bonney as seen in the anime (Image via Toei Animation)
Bonney as seen in the anime (Image via Toei Animation)

However, the main worry among fans is that Bonney may end up joining the Straw Hat Pirates. This is hinted at by Luffy addressing her by her name, which is typically a sign of future membership in the crew. With Bonney’s ability to easily transform into Nika, it would make sense for her to become a member of the Straw Hats.

Despite previous reports, Nika remains a formidable force. While it is uncertain if Bonney possesses the true abilities of Gear 5, her decision to join Luffy in facing Saint Marcus strongly suggests that she possesses some powers of Nika. Having two Nika personalities within the same pirate crew would be deemed poor writing by the author, as it could potentially make the Straw Hat Pirates unbeatable.

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