One Piece: Imu’s Fiery Demon Origins May Lead to a Final Showdown with Luffy

One Piece enthusiasts have generated numerous theories surrounding the identity and powers of Imu, with one recent hypothesis linking this character to Japanese mythology, specifically to salamanders and their fire-based abilities. This connection gained traction after Imu’s recent display of power in the anime, where viewers observed a salamander-like being emerging and pursuing Sabo.

Additionally, a One Piece fan on X proposed that Imu’s abilities might derive from the mythical Japanese yokai known as Hanzaki, which are essentially monstrous versions of salamanders. This potential inspiration seems plausible, as it aligns with Eiichiro Oda’s storytelling style. The concept of the World Government leader possessing fire-based powers could create a striking contrast to Luffy’s Devil Fruit abilities.

Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for the One Piece series.

Imu’s Powers in One Piece: A Link to the Japanese Yokai Hanzaki

After showcasing his or her powers against Sabo in a recent anime episode, fan @Rex_Kroko on X theorized that Imu’s supernatural abilities could be inspired by the Hanzaki. In Japanese folklore, these yokai are known for their immense size, tendency to avoid human settlements, and their ability to survive being cut in half and regenerating.

Moreover, Hanzaki have ties to fire, which could accentuate the contrast with Luffy’s “Sun God”Devil Fruit, symbolizing the duality of fire representing both benevolence and malevolence. Interestingly, many attributes of the Hanzaki align well with Imu and connect with the physical manifestations observed, especially given the Gorosei Elders’ regenerative abilities.

There are various interpretations of Imu’s character, and this theory also suggests that salamanders were historically another name for dragons in European lore, which may hint at a connection to the Celestial Dragons. This aspect adds further depth to the theory.

The Significance and Secrets of Imu

Imu as seen in the anime (Image via MAPPA)
Imu as seen in the anime (Image via MAPPA)

The leader of the World Government is intertwined with significant events like God Valley, the Void Century, and the establishment of the government itself, not to mention the ascendance of the Elders of the Gorosei.

Moreover, speculation persists about Imu’s true nature, as there are credible theories suggesting that he or she might not be human. This could account for the character’s longevity and could also tie into the narratives of Joy Boy and Nefertari Lili.


Imu’s portrayal in One Piece may indeed draw inspiration from mythological entities, with the Hanzaki theory being particularly compelling. However, it’s essential to note that this remains speculation, and nothing has been definitively confirmed in the series thus far.


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