One Piece: Major Predictions for Chapter 1118 Spoilers

After the recent release of the latest chapter in Eiichiro Oda’s One Piece manga series, fans are eagerly anticipating the spoilers for chapter 1118 and what they might reveal. It is not surprising that many are hopeful for the continuation of Dr. Vegapunk’s broadcast and the completion of his statement about the D. Clan.

Regrettably, there are currently no confirmed spoilers for the upcoming official release of the One Piece manga at the time of writing this article. Although these spoilers are expected to be revealed at some point during the release week, the recent crackdown on manga piracy in Japan has made the spoiler distribution process susceptible to sudden termination without notice. This also applies to the current release week.

Despite this, the One Piece manga is expected to conclude its Egghead arc in the upcoming chapters, following a predictable path towards its end. As expected, chapter 1118 will primarily center on the Straw Hats as they flee from Egghead’s shores, before shifting its focus to the Gorosei and the island of Vegapunk York.

One Piece’s Egghead Arc Nears Its Conclusion: Chapter 1118 to be Released Soon

As previously stated, the One Piece manga is clearly approaching its conclusion in the Egghead arc based on the recent developments. Similarly, viewers can anticipate Nami and Bonney’s groups successfully escaping to sea, while Zoro, Jinbe, Dorry, Brogy, Luffy, and potentially Sanji remain on the island for the time being.

It is probable that Zoro and Jinbe will make their way onto the Thousand Sunny as they are currently on the Labo-Phase and have no means of returning to the surface of the island. Meanwhile, Luffy, Dorry, Brogy, and potentially Sanji will probably remain behind to delay the enemy’s ship from reaching open waters.

The release of One Piece will lead the threesome/foursome to find a way onto the Giant Warrior Pirates’ ship. Sanji and Luffy will most likely use skywalk to reach the ship, while Dorry and Brogy may resort to swimming or using Marine battleships as stepping stones, similar to how humans cross a river.

After confirming that all of them have boarded their respective ships, fans can anticipate witnessing the Thousand Sunny executing its Coup de Burst, followed by the swift sailing of the Giant Warrior Pirates’ ship past the Marines. The Marines will then report the successful escape of the Straw Hats and their crew, leading to a shift in focus towards the Gorosei.

Despite the Gorosei’s disappointment in not achieving a complete victory, they would still find satisfaction in halting Dr. Vegapunk’s message and obtaining the Mother Flame Power Plant. They will now shift their focus to Vegapunk York, whom they will ultimately betray due to her incompetence and lack of knowledge that led to this situation. She may attempt to argue her case, but will ultimately be silenced by one of their powerful Conqueror’s Haki.

The conclusion of the chapter could go in a few different directions. One possibility is a shift in focus to Elbaf, where the Straw Hats will meet new characters and embark on new adventures. Another potential direction is a focus on either Shanks or Blackbeard, as the Egghead Incident holds great significance. The final possibility is a focus on the Straw Hats who have escaped, bringing a definitive end to the Egghead arc.

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