One Piece may have teased Imu’s race with Vegapunk Atlas’ introduction

Fans have been eagerly awaiting the release of One Piece chapter 1114, set to debut on May 13, 2024. However, spoilers have already begun to circulate, revealing some major news that has left fans on the edge of their seats. Despite their brief nature, these spoilers have caused quite a stir.

Spoilers suggest that the upcoming chapter may provide insight into JoyBoy, one of the greatest mysteries in the series. It is disclosed that JoyBoy possessed similar abilities to Luffy, potentially establishing him as Luffy’s successor. Similarly, Imu remains a major enigma in the series, adding to the intrigue and mystery surrounding the story.

Similar to JoyBoy, there has been much speculation surrounding Imu’s identity. Many have compared them to figures from Japanese, Greek, and other mythologies. Additionally, Imu has been linked to a character from The Lord of the Rings, further adding to their enigmatic nature. However, could it be possible that Imu’s true identity is concealed within the Vegapunk satellite, known for its ferocious fighting abilities?

One Piece: The Connection Between Imu and the Vegapunk Atlas

Vegapunk Atlas as seen in the anime (Image via Toei Animation)
Vegapunk Atlas as seen in the anime (Image via Toei Animation)

Atlas, also referred to as Punk-05, is one of the satellites owned by Dr. Vegapunk, the most brilliant scientist in the Grand Line. It was the second satellite that Luffy, Chopper, and Jinbe encountered after rescuing Bonney from drowning.

Despite her name being engraved on her body and her behavior reflecting the aspect of ‘violence’ when provoked, Vegapunk Atlas maintained a friendly demeanor towards Luffy’s group and even provided them with an overview of the island. This was likely due to the fact that they were not causing any chaos or destruction.

Despite her youthful appearance, she possesses an enormous stature. Her skills are centered around her exceptional engineering knowledge and her immense physical power, as evidenced multiple times throughout the series.

While it has not been officially confirmed, it is possible that her namesake is derived from Atlas, the Titan of Greek mythology. Known for his immense strength, Atlas was tasked with bearing the weight of the heavens on his shoulders for eternity.

The Vegapunk satellite may have drawn inspiration from the Titan Atlas, as both possess incredible strength. Additionally, Atlas was renowned for his mathematical prowess, a quality that is also reflected in Vegapunk Atlas’ engineering expertise.

Vegapunk as seen in the manga (Image via Shueisha)
Vegapunk as seen in the manga (Image via Shueisha)

Despite being on opposite sides in the final saga of One Piece, there is a connection between Atlas and Imu. In chapter 1113 of One Piece, Vegapunk disclosed that his message would be delivered after his death.

The speaker emphasized that the individual responsible for his death should not be pursued by the global community, as they are not inherently malicious. This suggests that Imu may not be the primary antagonist of the series, or at least not completely malevolent.

Imu as seen in the One Piece anime (Image via Toei Animation)
Imu as seen in the One Piece anime (Image via Toei Animation)

This could suggest that Imu’s actions thus far may have been aimed at preserving the order of the Grand Line, which could include the destruction of Lulusia Kingdom and the assassination of King Cobra.

However, this could also suggest that Imu relied solely on ‘violence’ as a means to preserve peace in the world. This is where Imu’s connection to Vegapunk Atlas becomes apparent, as Atlas represents the aspect of ‘violence’ that aligns with Imu’s approach to achieving peace.

Before Vegapunk’s message in chapter 1113, there were 10 foreshadowings of the Fate of the World in One Piece.

In chapter 1113 of One Piece, the two “sins”mentioned by Dr. Vegapunk are explored.

One Piece’s Final Saga and other elements may have been inspired by a renowned science-fiction movie, according to Oda.

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