One Piece: Sanji Fans Are Upset About Major Change in Episode 1105

One Piece Episode 1105 has caused frustration among Sanji fans on social media due to a significant deviation from the manga.

Both the manga and anime adaptations of One Piece are currently in the Egghead Arc of the Final Saga. While the manga is approaching the conclusion of the arc, the anime still has numerous exciting moments to showcase. In a recent episode, Toei made a change to one of Sanji’s scenes, causing disappointment among his devoted fans.

Despite the fact that some One Piece viewers may not view it as a significant issue, Sanji fans are expressing their dissatisfaction with what they perceive as Toei’s ongoing bias. They are particularly disappointed with the Zoro vs. King and Sanji vs. Queen scenes, as in the original manga both characters are given equal attention, which is not reflected in the anime adaptation.

Despite receiving more screen time, Zoro manages to overshadow Sanji in the latest episode. Furthermore, one of Sanji’s accomplishments is unfortunately overlooked due to the fast pacing.

Sanji’s slowness in coming to Edison’s aid is highlighted in the anime, causing the fact that he is faster than a beam to be overlooked.

In the manga, Edison manages to avoid getting hit by the beam due to Sanji’s quick arrival. However, the scene of Sanji landing next to Zoro was not included. Additionally, Franky’s presence was not originally depicted. Some fans are also disappointed with Franky saving Lilith, arguing that she is capable of flying and therefore did not require assistance from anyone else to prevent her from falling.

The anime’s pacing is deliberately slowed down by the addition of numerous extra scenes, ensuring that it does not surpass the manga’s story. Nevertheless, the underlying problem remains: Sanji’s incredible speed, which surpasses even that of Zoro’s. Despite this, in the anime, it takes Sanji a full minute to reach his destination.

Despite being rescued by him, Edison still ends up getting hit by the light. While Zoro and Sanji are consistently portrayed as being relatively equal in strength in the manga, these types of scenes have the potential to diminish Sanji’s abilities.

A fan stated in response to a recent post: “Sanji fans have consistently been let down by the treatment of Sanji, so this is nothing new.”

“One individual also expressed their thoughts, stating that there seems to be a bias against Sanji. They pointed out how the filler scenes with the s-shark and now this latest development seem to undermine his accomplishments, and they fear that even his impressive feats against Kizaru and Saturn may be discredited in the future.”

According to one fan, the issue is not just the slow pace of the scene. They pointed out that in the episode, Sanji takes a full minute after the explosion to reach Edison, while in the manga Lilith barely has time to speak before Sanji is already on the ground.

There are also One Piece fans who do not consider Sanji as their favorite character, and they too are expressing their thoughts on the issue. According to a comment made by a fan, “I may not be a Sanji fan, but it is still disappointing to see biases affect important moments in the manga and deviate from their original intentions. This is why I am eagerly anticipating the production by WIT studio.”

“Another individual voiced their disappointment as a Zoro fan, expressing feeling cheated and questioning why the event was not replicated as it happened.”

Despite some members of the community believing that it is not a significant issue, one individual stated, “So let me understand this correctly. Toei, a large animation company responsible for producing multiple anime with unique characters, would intentionally spend their time to depict Sanji poorly due to bias towards a fictional character. Do you truly believe that Toei would devote that much time to such a trivial matter?”

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