One Piece Sets Up a Sanji Fight in Chapter 1118

With One Piece Chapter 1118, Sanji is finally receiving his long-awaited opportunity to showcase his abilities and prepare for an important battle in the future.

Ever since the Egghead Arc began, One Piece has been filled with numerous battles. From the return of the CPO agents and the introduction of the Seraphim, to the unexpected involvement of the Gorosei, the Straw Hat Pirates have faced a multitude of foes.

Sanji, specifically, has not been given many chances to display his combat abilities. Although he has faced formidable opponents, none of them have left a lasting impression.

Despite facing off against two members of the Gorosei, Saturn and Nusjuro, fans have still not been impressed with the chef in this arc. This is especially evident when compared to his rival Zoro, who has already impressed readers with his fights against Kaku, the Seraphim, Lucci, and most recently, Nusjuro.

It appears that Sanji will finally be facing his highly anticipated major battle of the arc in One Piece. Throughout the Wano Saga, Sanji has demonstrated his strength as one of the top fighters among the Straw Hats, having defeated Queen, the second most powerful member of Kaido’s crew. As the Egghead Arc comes to a close, it remains to be seen who his ultimate opponent will be, with contenders including Saturn, Warcury, and Ju Peter.

The latest installment of One Piece, Chapter 1118, exposes the Gorosei’s pursuit of the remaining Satellites following their success in halting Vegapunk’s message. With the death of Shaka and Pythagoras, and the revelation of York as the traitor, their attention turns to Atlas and Lilith as their next targets.

However, currently, Sanji is accompanying Atlas. This implies that when the Gorosei attempt to end her life, they will have to confront the chef instead. And when it comes to protecting women, Sanji’s reliability is unquestionable. With Atlas’ safety in jeopardy, he will undoubtedly do everything in his power to defend her.

Sanji is about to face his most challenging battle yet in this arc. The Egghead Arc is coming to a close, and it has been revealed that the Elbaf Arc will be introduced later this year. As such, the time has come for the epic showdowns to commence. While Zoro is currently occupied with Nusjuro, Sanji must also begin his own fight.

Despite the chaos currently surrounding Bonney’s group, it is uncertain if the upcoming chapter will feature the start of the fight. Nevertheless, this uncertainty does not dampen the expectations of Sanji’s fans, who are eagerly anticipating some action from him.

Discover the incredible world of One Piece by exploring our comprehensive guides on the Void Century, Joyboy’s past, Sun God Nika, and the chronological order of all deaths in the series.

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