One Piece’s Ancient Weapons: Potential to Cause Sea-Level Rise and Alter the Planet’s Functionality

The fabled tools of mass destruction in One Piece, collectively referred to as Pluton, Poseidon, and Uranus, possess unparalleled godlike abilities. These ancient weapons played a crucial role in the Great War of the Void Century and are rumored to have drastically changed the world’s topography by causing a rise in sea levels.

It has been proposed by a recent theory that the ancient weapons, specifically Uranus, may have caused this effect by altering the rotational dynamics of the planet, ultimately impacting its centrifugal force.

This article delves into the potential impact of ancient weapons on the planet’s functioning, potentially leading to the current increase in sea levels and transforming the world as we know it.

The Ancient Weapons and Their Impact on the World of One Piece

Franky shows the blueprints of Pluton (Image via Toei Animation)
Franky shows the blueprints of Pluton (Image via Toei Animation)

The idea of ancient weapons in the One Piece universe, specifically Uranus, and their ability to impact sea levels has captivated numerous fans. It is believed that Uranus destroyed an entire island, leaving behind a massive crater and triggering a sustained increase in water levels. One theory suggests that this occurrence may be attributed to centrifugal force, as a greater force at the equator would cause water to accumulate there, while a weaker force would result in a more even distribution.

The concept of this principle can be seen on our planet, as sea levels are marginally elevated near the equator compared to the poles. This phenomenon has led to the theory that in the past, the One Piece world rotated at a faster pace, leading to an abundance of land near the poles and an accumulation of water around the equator.

One Piece: The Role of Centrifugal Force and Planetary Rotation

The Red Line and Grand Line as shown in the anime (Image via Toei Animation)
The Red Line and Grand Line as shown in the anime (Image via Toei Animation)

It is believed that the Grand Line’s equatorial location provides evidence for this theory, indicating that this region may have been the original sea before a rise in global sea levels. This could explain why the water levels in the Grand Line are currently significantly higher. Additionally, there are two significant pieces of information known about the ancient weapons: they have the ability to manipulate the planet’s geology, resulting in the destruction of islands and causing massive earthquakes throughout the world.

These factors are crucial because although earthquakes on Earth have been known to alter the planet’s rotation by a few microseconds, the impact is minimal compared to the potentially more severe earthquakes that occur on Uranus.

Lulusia's destruction as shown in the anime (Image via Toei Animation)
Lulusia’s destruction as shown in the anime (Image via Toei Animation)

It is possible to hypothesize that the rotational speed of Earth could be significantly impacted by more powerful earthquakes, which could be triggered by three ancient weapons over a period of a century. As a result, the centrifugal force that holds water at the equator may decrease, leading to the global spread of water and the appearance of rising sea levels.

Challenges and Plausibility of this One Piece Theory

The Poneglyph in Alabasta kingdom (Image via Toei Animation)
The Poneglyph in Alabasta kingdom (Image via Toei Animation)

Despite the validity of this theory, it is important to note that some countries, including Alabasta and Wano, have existed since before the Void Century and have remained largely unchanged. This could be attributed to a retcon or oversight in the story, yet the possibility still remains. Furthermore, an analysis of the impact of centrifugal force reveals that a faster planetary rotation would lead to an increased concentration of water at the equator and more land at the poles.

The decrease in the planet’s rotational speed over time, presumably caused by the ancient weapons and their impact on the Earth, could have resulted in the redistribution of water from the equator to other parts of the world. This could have caused the appearance of rising sea levels.

Wano country (Image via Toei Animation)
Wano country (Image via Toei Animation)

Additionally, the potential geological consequences of the ancient weapons, coupled with their capacity to trigger global seismic activity, indicate their potential to affect the planet’s rotational patterns. If these weapons were utilized on a large scale, the overall impact on the planet’s rotation could be considerable, resulting in significant alterations in sea levels.

Despite the presence of ancient nations such as Alabasta and Wano, this theory is still valid as it is possible that certain areas were either unaffected by the changing conditions or were able to adapt to them. The rich and complex history of the One Piece world allows for multiple interpretations, and the concept of ancient weapons causing changes in sea levels remains a viable possibility.

Final thoughts

Doflamingo spoke to Magellan about the increase in water levels (Image via Toei Animation)
Doflamingo spoke to Magellan about the increase in water levels (Image via Toei Animation)

The relationship between centrifugal force, the use of ancient weapons, and planetary rotation presents a convincing reasoning for the increasing sea levels in the anime and manga series. Despite a few discrepancies, this concept offers an intriguing viewpoint on the potential consequences of ancient weapons on the Earth’s topography.

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