One Piece’s Finally Explains Nefertari D. Lili’s Message, and It Makes Perfect Sense

Nefertari D. Lili’s enigmatic message, “Bear the Flag of the Dawn Against the Sinking World,”is one of the many mysteries in Eichiro Oda’s One Piece that has captivated and sparked discussions among the community. Its mysterious nature has generated a great deal of interest and contemplation.

Many questions regarding the One Piece universe have been pondered for a significant amount of time, leading people to develop theories in an attempt to uncover its hidden truths.

In the previous chapters, there have been hints that the world is slowly sinking into the ocean, particularly with Vegapunk’s warning. This idea is further reinforced by Vegapunk’s statement in chapter 1113, which aligns with Lili’s ancient prophecy. The combination of these two sources, blending ancient wisdom with modern science, lends greater significance to Lili’s words and suggests that they hold a deeper meaning beyond just a metaphor.

The Significance of the Pirate Flag in One Piece

Hiluluk as shown in the anime (Image via Toei Animation)
Hiluluk as shown in the anime (Image via Toei Animation)

In order to grasp the true meaning behind Lili’s message, it is necessary for fans to delve into the symbolic value of the pirate flag in the world of One Piece. While the Jolly Roger, or pirate flag, typically stirs up feelings of fear and mortality, it also serves as a symbol of the captain and their crew. But, as demonstrated in the series, there are occasions where the pirate flag carries a more profound and symbolic significance.

Hiluluk, a former thief, serves as an example of finding redemption through the desire to heal the hearts of the people of Drum Island. Just as pirates use the Jolly Roger as a symbol of their convictions, Hiluluk compared himself to them and created a flag that embodied his own desires: to bring hope to the suffering country and its people.

One Piece: The D clan and the flag of the Dawn

The D. family (Image via Toei Animation)
The D. family (Image via Toei Animation)

As fans continue to explore the One Piece universe, the connection between Lili’s message and the Ds, a mysterious clan central to the story, becomes more apparent. The Ds are a rebellious group who have been challenging the established order for centuries, carrying on the legacy of their predecessors.

800 years ago, a brotherhood is said to have been established by these individuals. To join, one had to raise the Flag of the Dawn, which represented the strong beliefs of this fraternity. This flag inspired people to bring hope and a fresh start to a world slowly sinking into oblivion.

Flag of the World Government (Image via Toei Animation)
Flag of the World Government (Image via Toei Animation)

The people are striving towards the Dawn of Humanity, a new era filled with hope and transformation, by hoisting the Flag of the Dawn. Just like Hiluluk’s pirate flag, this flag represents the beliefs and principles of those determined to overthrow the World Government and create a brighter future.

Nika, the deity-like figure who inspires and motivates individuals to progress, is intricately linked to the Flag of the Dawn. Similar to the Revolutionary Army, which empowers people to rise up, Nika embodies hope and the longing for transformation, as change never occurs in isolation. The Flag of the Dawn serves as the symbol that unites the people in their mission to put an end to the mistakes of the past and construct a better tomorrow.

The Sinking World and the Sins of Mankind

Nefertari Cobra talks about Nefertari D. Lili (Image via Toei Animation)
Nefertari Cobra talks about Nefertari D. Lili (Image via Toei Animation)

When looking at Lili’s message, “Bear the Flag of the Dawn Against the Sinking World,”in the context of the One Piece world’s history, it holds a significant meaning. In chapter 1113, Vegapunk’s prediction that the world is sinking into the ocean serves as a crucial clue in comprehending the importance of Lili’s message.

As the ocean gradually consumes the world, it is believed that this is a result of the sins committed by humanity. These sins are deemed so severe that a new world has emerged from the remnants of the old, as a means of purifying and rejuvenating humankind.

Despite its past prosperity, the remnants of this world now lay at the bottom of the ocean. As individuals and factions continue to rebel against the established order, they are ultimately carrying out the will of the D.

Final Thoughts

Nefertari Vivi (Image via Toei Animation)
Nefertari Vivi (Image via Toei Animation)

Nefertari D. Lili’s powerful words, “Bear the Flag of the Dawn Against the Sinking World,”hold a significant and profound message. This quote serves as a reminder to remain resilient and steadfast in the face of adversity. The Flag of the Dawn symbolizes the aspirations and convictions of those seeking a brighter and improved future.

Lili’s words inspire us to never stop proudly waving this banner, as it is a symbol of resistance against injustice and a promise for a better future. Her message encourages us to continuously fight for positive change.

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