One Piece’s latest twist isn’t as sudden as you think

One Piece’s latest twist isn’t as sudden as you think

The most recent development in One Piece had a significant effect on both the manga’s characters and its readers. Nevertheless, this twist was not as unexpected as it may seem.

One Piece has consistently received acclaim for its exceptional worldbuilding. In addition to its continuously expanding universe, the series excels in foreshadowing. Throughout its extensive journey, numerous clever hints have foretold significant events in the narrative.

Eiichiro Oda, the creator of the manga, is renowned for subtly dropping hints throughout the series. For instance, the foreshadowing of Luffy’s connection to Joy Boy and the Sun God Nika can be traced back to the Skypiea Arc, but it was not until the Wano Arc, 20 years later, that the actual twist was unveiled.

Despite the latest twist in One Piece, the revelation of the world’s fate in Chapter 1113 was foreshadowed through the rich lore of the series and Oda’s clever writing. This makes connecting the small hints an exhilarating experience for fans.

The latest twist in One Piece explained

One Piece's latest twist in Chapter 1113
Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha

Before we begin unraveling our figurative red thread, let’s take a moment to delve into the latest development in One Piece. In the Egghead Arc, the Straw Hats finally encounter the renowned scientist, Dr. Vegapunk, the mastermind behind the Pacifista and all of the World Government’s arsenal.

In this arc, our heroes are confronted with their most formidable foe yet, surpassing even the likes of Kaido. They come face to face with none other than the World Government and its leaders. The five Gorosei convene on the island with the intention of eliminating Vegapunk and eradicating any evidence that could expose the secrets of the world.

Vegapunk had foreseen his death and made preparations for a worldwide broadcast to be activated upon his passing. After being killed by Saint Jaygarcia Saturn, the broadcast was triggered, unveiling the future of the world to all.

In the latest installment of One Piece, Chapter 1113, Vegapunk revealed that the world as they know it is facing imminent destruction as it sinks into the sea. The urgency of his message made it evident that the world’s fate lies in its immediate future, and the World Government is determined to keep the public in the dark about the impending disaster.

One Piece Teased This Twist Way Back

The destruction of Lulusia Kingdom
Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha

As expected from One Piece, this had been foreshadowed quite some time ago. Throughout the narrative, there have been several subtle moments that hinted at the possibility of the world being submerged under the ocean. To be exact, the first instance of this being teased was during a conversation between Franky and Iceberg.

During the Aqua Laguna, Iceberg informed Franky that the entire Water 7 would be submerged in the sea. He had a strong determination to construct a floating island that could withstand this disaster, which foreshadowed a revelation that would come to light in the future.

In Jinbei’s Solo Voyage cover story, One Piece’s clever foreshadowing was evident. During his journey to different islands, Jinbei stumbles upon an underwater city and discovers a Poneglyph. This revelation implies that a city, similar to Atlantis, had once submerged into the sea, raising questions about the future of their world.

The latest development in One Piece’s plot was subtly incorporated into the narrative, causing it to go unnoticed by most. The destruction of Lulusia Kingdom by the Gorosei and Imu, using the Mother Flame, resulted in a massive void in the ocean.

As the water level rises, it is inevitable that the world will become submerged.

The world will go under the sea

Eiichiro Oda/Toei Animation

The expansive world of One Piece encompasses a diverse range of environments, including an underwater island known as Fish-Man Island. This unique location is home to the fish-men, and it is where several major plot developments occur in the story.

The island of Fish-Man Island is home to not only one, but two significant objects. One is the mermaid princess, who holds the power of the Ancient Weapon Poseidon. The other is a massive ship named Noah, located in the heart of the Sea Forest. This ship may hold the key to understanding the potential sinking of the world under the sea.

One Piece’s lore truly shines in this aspect. It is believed that the fish-men, possibly under the guidance of the enigmatic Joy Boy, constructed Noah during the Void Century. Joy Boy had made a pledge to the fish-men that he would use the mermaid princess’s powers to bring Noah to the surface.

Despite his efforts, he was ultimately unsuccessful, and Noah was left abandoned on the seafloor for reasons that were not clear. In order to make amends, Joy Boy left a Poneglyph on the island as an apology to the fish-men. In this Poneglyph, he also made a promise that Noah would eventually serve a greater purpose in the future.

Upon arriving at the Fish-Men Island, Luffy and his crew realized that the time had come to use Noah. As the story progresses, it is evident that Noah will be put to use in the near future.

The inspiration behind Noah’s name and its purpose is no secret – it is derived from the ark in the Bible. Just as the ark protected Noah, his family, and the animals during the genesis, this ship will also serve a similar purpose when the entire world is submerged under the sea.

In addition to Noah, there have been other indications of the fate of the world. The Historical Poneglyph left by Joy Boy was not the only one – there used to be a Road Poneglyph on the island as well. Although it is currently missing, its former location on the underwater island offers a potential clue to what the future may hold.

One significant clue can be found through our beloved protagonist. While visiting Fish-Man Island, it was predicted that Luffy would cause its destruction. However, considering Luffy’s character, it is highly unlikely that he would harm an island where his friends reside. This leads to the conclusion that the prophecy must refer to a different underwater location, as the entire world is essentially underwater.

Some Characters May Be Aware of It

Eiichiro Oda/Toei Animation

One of the most exciting aspects is that certain characters are already aware of the world’s destiny. One Piece features a variety of eccentric characters whose behavior may seem normal in the midst of the story’s overall zaniness. However, after following the series for a considerable amount of time, we have come to understand that nothing is unattainable in One Piece.

Despite the passage of time, we can’t be completely certain about the future of Eiichiro Oda and his manga. There’s always a possibility for unexpected events to occur. Perhaps Crocus residing inside a whale is not just a mere eccentricity of the character. Similarly, another seasoned character, Rayleigh, has the ability to coat ships that can navigate underwater.

At first glance, these two things may appear completely unrelated. However, it is important to note that Rayleigh and Crocus were once crewmates. What’s more, they were both members of the Roger Pirates and journeyed to Laugh Tale where they discovered the secrets of the world.

Vegapunk’s knowledge of the world sinking under the sea stems from his research on the Void Century and the truth of the world. It is likely that Rayleigh and Crocus are also aware of this impending disaster and have made preparations accordingly, although their approaches may differ.

When discussing the Roger Pirates, there is a particular member of the crew whose behavior remains shrouded in mystery. Shanks and his crew are renowned for their lack of Devil Fruit abilities. In fact, Shanks himself appears to be firmly against the concept, as evidenced by his reaction when Luffy accidentally consumed a Devil Fruit as a child.

Despite being a Yonko, Shanks has never gone to Laugh Tale and it’s doubtful that he will. It’s peculiar how he steers clear of Devil Fruits while all his fellow Yonko have one. As Devil Fruits render a person unable to swim, it appears that Shanks is determined to preserve his swimming abilities. Perhaps he is aware of the consequences that may arise.

It is uncertain if Shanks is aware of the impending sinking of the world, but the World Government is most likely to have insight. The Celestial Dragons intentionally established their residence at the top of the Red Line, which is the highest point of the world, ensuring their safety even if the rest of the world sinks.

Lily’s Message as a Hint

Nefertari Cobra revealing Lily's message
Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha

Furthermore, a significant clue to the latest twist in One Piece can be seen in Lily’s message. Lily, also known as Nefertari D. Lily, was the leader of Alabasta and was among the initial 20 monarchs who united to govern the globe. Despite the numerous enigmas surrounding Lily, we will focus on how her message disclosed the destiny of the world, at least according to the original text.

In the message she sent to her family in Alabasta before her disappearance, Lily emphasized the importance of protecting the Poneglyphs. She urged them to bear the flag of the dawn against the mysterious world that lay hidden.

It has recently been revealed that Lily’s message was not concealed in the initial versions of the chapter. In the original Japanese text, her words could be interpreted as “hoisting the banner of dawn in a sinking world.”

It is surprising, isn’t it? Lily appeared to have foreseen the future and attempted to caution her community about it. This becomes even more logical when we consider that her vanishing can be attributed to the initial twenty rulers.

Upon further examination, it becomes clear that One Piece’s most recent plot twist concerning the destiny of the world was not unexpected. It had been foreshadowed all along, cleverly concealed by Oda’s masterful storytelling.

The expansive and thrilling world of One Piece warrants another exploration. Discover the story behind Trafalgar Law’s transformation into a woman and whether Luffy can master Gear 5. Additionally, you can learn about the character with the highest bounty in One Piece and the most highly anticipated battles in the upcoming Egghead arc.

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