One Piece’s Voice of All Things and Blackbeard’s Actions

The One Piece universe is vast and intricate, containing numerous enigmas waiting to be solved. Among the characters that perplex fans is the notorious Blackbeard, also recognized as Marshall D. Teach. His behaviors and intentions have sparked heated debates, but a recent theory may provide insight into some of his most confounding choices.

The concept of “Voice of All Things”is central to this theory, as it pertains to a unique skill possessed by select individuals in the One Piece world. This ability enables them to hear the “voices”of inanimate objects, such as the ancient poneglyphs that hold secrets of the Void Century. The theory suggests that Blackbeard’s interest in Boa Hancock’s Mero Mero no Mi could be attributed to his desire to unearth the hidden truths of the Void Century.

One Piece: The Reason Behind Blackbeard’s Desire for Hancock’s Devil Fruit

Blackbeard as shown in the anime series (Image via Toei Animation)
Blackbeard as shown in the anime series (Image via Toei Animation)

The theory proposes that Blackbeard became aware of the existence of the poneglyphs and believed that they possessed a “voice.”He held the belief that these ancient inscriptions were once living creatures who had been turned into stone, and by obtaining the Mero Mero no Mi, he hoped to release them from their petrified state and uncover the secrets of the Void Century.

This concept is reinforced by the events of Roger’s initial trip to Skypiea. Upon his arrival, Roger was able to sense the “voices”emanating from the ancient structures, but he could not decipher their significance. It was not until his second visit, accompanied by Kozuki Oden, that Roger was able to interpret and understand the poneglyphs.

Blackbeard raided Amazon Lily to capture Boa Hancock (Image via Toei Animation)
Blackbeard raided Amazon Lily to capture Boa Hancock (Image via Toei Animation)

It is possible that Blackbeard, driven by his desire for power and understanding, believed that the key to unraveling the mysteries of the Void Century lay in being able to communicate directly with the poneglyphs. By restoring the petrified figures to their original states, he may have hoped to gain direct access to the knowledge they possess, instead of relying solely on the limited information inscribed on the ancient stones.

The theory also posits that when Hancock informed Blackbeard that he would not be able to release the petrified individuals if the previous user of the Devil Fruit had passed away, it sparked uncertainty in his thoughts. This newfound knowledge potentially prompted Blackbeard to reassess his tactics and seek out alternative means of uncovering the mysteries of the Void Century.

One Piece: Rayleigh’s Intervention in the Battle Between Hancock and Blackbeard

Silvers Rayleigh (Image via Toei Animation)
Silvers Rayleigh (Image via Toei Animation)

The story suggests a significant encounter between Blackbeard and Rayleigh, who was previously the first mate of the Pirate King. This meeting could have provided Blackbeard with the courage to follow through with his initial plan or possibly even create a new strategy. Rayleigh’s involvement and reassurances were undoubtedly crucial in Blackbeard’s pursuit.

This theory presents a fascinating rationale behind several of his enigmatic choices. By delving into the concept of the “Voice of All Things”and its potential connection to the ancient poneglyphs, it offers a unique viewpoint on Blackbeard’s personality and his significance within the larger One Piece storyline.

Concluding Remarks

Boa Hancock has the powers of the Mero Mero no Mi (Image via Toei Animation)
Boa Hancock has the powers of the Mero Mero no Mi (Image via Toei Animation)

The notion that Blackbeard desired Boa Hancock’s Mero Mero no Mi ability in order to uncover ancient secrets is intriguing. This theory could potentially shed light on some of his perplexing behaviors and reveal deeper mysteries within the story. It is possible that he was searching for the “Voice of All Things”power to gain knowledge about the Void Century.

As fans contemplate the intricacies of the anime’s universe, this theory highlights the depth of Eiichiro Oda’s storytelling. It encourages readers to delve deeper and unravel the intricate web of clues scattered throughout his masterpiece. Whether or not this particular theory is proven accurate, it contributes to the ongoing captivating discussions surrounding the enduring mysteries of One Piece.

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