Optimal Camera and Controller Configurations for FC 25

If you’ve enjoyed last year’s EA FC game, you may already have some preferred settings. However, there are new features to explore in this version.

Optimal Camera Settings

The camera settings play a crucial role in your gameplay experience in FC 25. Below are our recommended settings, though we encourage experimenting to find what works best for you.

Game Settings menu in FC 25
Image source: EA Sports via Twinfinite
  • Single Player Camera: Tele
  • Multiplayer Camera: Tactical
  • Locked to Player Camera: Tactical Focus
  • Clubs Camera: Tactical
  • Rush Camera: Rush Broadcast
  • Be A Keeper Camera: Pro
  • Camera Height: 14
  • Camera Zoom: 4

Additionally, other single-player camera options like Co-Op or Tele Broadcast may also serve you well. We suggest that you adjust camera height and zoom settings to discover your ideal configuration.

Top Controller Settings

While we can recommend some effective controller settings, your ideal setup will largely depend on your personal playstyle in FC 25. Remember, you might want to revisit these settings as you improve your skills and recognize your strengths and weaknesses.

Here are the settings we suggest:

  • Preset: Competitive
  • Shot Assistance: Assisted
  • Timed Finishing: On
  • Auto Flair Pass: Off
  • Through Pass Assistance: Semi
  • Lobbed Through Pass: Semi
  • Ground Pass Assistance: Assisted
  • Cross Assistance: Assisted
  • Lob Pass Assistance: Assisted
  • Pass Receiver Lock: Late
  • Precision Pass Sensitivity: Normal
  • Clearance Assistance: Directional
  • Defending: Tactical Defending
  • Pass Block Assistance: On
  • Auto Switching: On Air Balls and Loose Balls
  • Auto Switching Move Assistance: None
  • Right Stick Switching: Adaptive
  • Right Stick Switching Reference: Player Relative
  • Right Stick Switching Sensitivity: 5
  • Next Player Switching: Classic
  • Reaction Time Modifier: On
  • Player Lock: On
  • Save Assistance: Assisted
  • Analog Sprint: Off
  • Trigger Effect: Off
  • User Vibration Feedback: Off

For instance, in online competitive matches, we recommend using the “Competitive”controller preset as it streamlines various custom options. Timed finishing can enhance your shot accuracy if timed correctly, so it’s worth experimenting with. However, we recommend keeping Shot Assistance on ‘Assisted’ for a smoother experience, particularly in competitive play.

As you gain experience, you may want to adjust settings such as Through Pass and Lobbed Pass Assistance, which we currently suggest keeping at ‘Semi’. Similarly, Precision Pass Sensitivity can be adjusted to match your preference for responsiveness; we advise sticking with ‘Normal’ for now. Options like User Vibration Feedback can also be tailored to what you find less distracting.

That’s our guide for the Best Camera & Controller Settings in FC 25. For further insights and guides, including how to perform flair passes and the promotional schedule, check out more resources.


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