Optimal Deadlock Infernus Build: Essential Abilities & Gear

Deadlock is not the simplest game to master, but if you’ve just gained access to the Alpha version and are searching for a character to begin with, Infernus is an excellent option.

Valve’s latest multiplayer game has swiftly become a sensation, evolving from its origins as a Half-Life spin-off.

From last-hitting minions to trading in lanes, even the fundamental concepts in Deadlock require time to grasp. There are numerous mechanics to consider, and it can feel somewhat overwhelming initially. Luckily, Infernus stands out as one of the easiest characters to play, and his user-friendly design does not compromise his effectiveness.

If you’re a seasoned player seeking additional strategies, this guide also offers valuable insights regarding counter-building and optimal itemization for closing out games.

Here’s the optimal build for Infernus in Deadlock, including the item build order and ability leveling strategy.

Best Abilities for Infernus in Deadlock

Below are the starting and maximum orders for Infernus’ abilities. There is some flexibility—if you want to allocate an extra point to Concussive Combustion for a reduced cooldown, feel free to adjust. However, the following paths are recommended for beginners.

  • Ability Starting Path: 3>1>2
    • Note: Against heroes with gap-closing abilities like Abrams or Bebop, consider prioritizing ability 2 earlier for defensive purposes.
  • Ability Max Path: 3>2>4>1
    • There’s room for variation here. If you prefer an extra point in ability 1 for bonus charge or your ultimate for cooldown reduction, that’s acceptable. However, sticking to this max path generally leads to greater success.

A common mistake among new Infernus players is underestimating the damage and utility of Flame Dash. In late-game scenarios, this ability can inflict over 100 damage per tick. Utilizing this ability during a team fight can make you hard to kill, especially with sufficient lifesteal.

When maxing Afterburn, prioritize focusing your fire on the same target until they are eliminated. It is crucial to maintain the damage-over-time effect, and your other abilities will handle the area-of-effect damage. Focusing enemies one at a time with your primary fire is key.

Overview of Deadlock Infernus’ Abilities

If you’re unfamiliar with Infernus’ abilities, here’s a detailed breakdown:

  • 1: Catalyst
    • Spews napalm that slows enemy movement and enhances the damage Infernus inflicts on them.
      • Level 1: +1 Charge
      • Level 2: Infernus receives 20% Lifesteal against hit targets
      • Level 3: 10% damage amplification and -40% heal/regen
  • 2: Flame Dash
    • Moves forward swiftly while leaving a burning flame trail affecting enemies.
      • Level 1: -30% fire rate slow for 7 seconds
      • Level 2: +45 damage per second (DPS)
      • Level 3: -20 seconds cooldown
  • 3: Afterburn
    • Infernus’ bullets cause a burning effect on enemies, which is refreshed by his bullets and abilities.
      • Level 1: Victims incur -30% spirit damage.
      • Level 2: +1 second burn duration
      • Level 3: +30 DPS
  • 4: Concussive Combustion
    • Transforms Infernus into a living bomb that detonates after a brief delay, stunning all nearby enemies.
      • Level 1: -40 seconds cooldown
      • Level 2: +0.5 seconds for stun duration and +4 meters radius
      • Level 3: +115 damage and 100% lifesteal from enemy heroes affected

Ideal Build for Infernus: Itemization Guide

To simplify, items are categorized into four sections: Early Game, Mid Game, Late Game, and Situational Items.

The first three categories are generally straightforward; however, don’t hesitate to cross categories if you’re ahead in-game or have limited slots for options.

Remember, there isn’t a definitive build for any character in Deadlock. Each match is unique, and your needs, along with your team’s, can vary based on numerous factors. You’ll need to understand the utility of each item and when to incorporate them to excel in high-stakes matches, but this guide will help you start off right.

Here is a summary of recommended purchases for each phase of the game:

Early Game Items


If you’re facing challenges while learning, consider acquiring Monster Rounds to better understand laning mechanics and gain an advantage in lanes. Otherwise, aim for Rapid Rounds and Infuser. If necessary, grab Healing Rite. If you choose to buy Infuser, use it alongside your ability 2 during wave engagements to maximize lifesteal benefits.

Additionally, Sprint Boots are beneficial for early rotations, Ammo Scavenger aids in snowballing lanes, and Basic Magazine is a useful upgrade down the line.

Mid Game Items


The left-to-right order of these items is crucial. Soul Shredder and Spirit Lifesteal will provide significant sustain, and Duration Extender is essential for maximizing the effectiveness of ability 3. Infernus performs best with added durability, so acquiring Bullet Armor and Spirit Armor early is advisable. Upgrade these items if you find yourself dying quickly.

The bottom four items are also included in the late-game category, but they form the core of a powerful lead when you’re ahead.

Leech counters anti-heal items, providing additional bullet and spirit lifesteal while mitigating the impact of healing reductions. Ricochet enhances Infernus’ primary fire to impact multiple targets, while Escalating Exposure significantly boosts your damage in extended engagements.

Unstoppable is crucial for allowing Infernus to participate in fights effectively, preventing control-characters like Mo & Krill or Wraith from shutting you down. It also counters active items designed to hinder you.

Late Game/Luxury Items


Spiritual Overflow is the ideal item for Infernus, granting him additional spirit and bullet damage, enhancing his hybrid playstyle. Inhibitor, on the other hand, excels in trades by weakening adversaries. Colossus and Diviner’s Kevlar are excellent choices for prolonged survival in skirmishes, while Boundless Spirit offers a robust overall damage boost.

Should you find yourself reaching this stage of the game, you’ve either accumulated substantial wealth or the match has become elongated. Although indulging in these items can be tempting, keep the upcoming section in mind if you encounter difficulties. Many challenges in Deadlock can be mitigated by selecting the appropriate item.

Situational Items


As these items are situational, we will examine each one individually:

  • Extra Stamina: Although Infernus may not require stamina as much as other characters, it can still be advantageous against certain foes.
  • Enduring Speed: Upgrading to this from standard boots is essential; opt for this sooner rather than later if you are frequently rotating.
  • Divine Barrier: If you are significantly behind, this item acts as a vital lifeline. The active ability can save you against overwhelming burst damage. Acquire this and prioritize damage items if you face early setbacks.
  • Toxic Bullets: Ideal against healing enemies. This item synergizes well with Infernus due to its bleeding effect, but alternatives like Healbane and Decay are available as well.
  • Warp Stone: An excellent option for executing a surprise engagement with a charged ultimate ability against agile characters.
  • Slowing Hex: A tool to counter airborne enemies that pose a challenge for Infernus, effectively disabling their mobility. Use this against mobile adversaries like Vindicta, Lash, Pocket, Shiv, and other threats.
  • Mystic Slow: Useful for preventing your team from being dived upon; combining this with your ability 2’s flame trail serves as a potent counter-engagement strategy.
  • Ethereal Shift: Ideal if you’re under heavy fire; this item grants you brief respite to impact fights positively.
  • Curse: Though it requires a significant investment, it can be crucial. This item effectively counters a fed enemy carry, particularly potent against characters like Seven with devastating channel abilities.

This concludes how to effectively build and play Infernus in Deadlock!

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