With the right keybinds, you can turn the tide of battles and emerge victorious in Deadlock. In the following guide, I will discuss the optimal keybind settings for Deadlock, giving you the edge you need to defeat your opponents in your next match.
Best Deadlock Settings For Mouse And Keyboard
These keybinds encompass all of the essential movements and actions required for playing in any Deadlock match. I suggest experimenting with them as they are and making adjustments until they suit your preferences. Ultimately, mastering the controls is crucial for achieving success in the game.
The keybinds mentioned are commonly used in FPS games, therefore I have kept them in their original forms.
Move Forward | IN |
Move Backward | S |
Move Left (Strafe) | A |
Move Right (Strafe) | D |
Jump/Mantle | Space |
Dash | Left Shift |
Crouch/Slide | Left Control |
I have relocated the item keybinds to their original positions where the abilities were previously located. This arrangement allows for easy accessibility and distinction, without occupying crucial keys that are more suitable for the character’s abilities.
Item 1 | 1 |
Item 2 | 2 |
Item 3 | 3 |
Item 4 | 4 |
Furthermore, I ensure that the Enable HUD Ping Indicator option remains selected in addition to these keybinds.
Push to Talk | ` |
Chat All | Shift + Return (the Enter key) |
Chat Team | Return (the Enter key) |
Mouse Wheel | AND |
Ping | Click Mouse Wheel (Mouse3) |
To improve gameplay, I have rearranged the ability keys for easier access during intense battles. Moreover, instead of selecting an ability and pressing another button, self-casting now requires a double-tap of the ability button. This method has proven to be faster than assigning a separate key.
Melee | Side Mouse Button (Mouse4) |
Ability 1 | Q |
Ability 2 | AND |
Ability 3 | C |
Ability 4 | V |
Melee Parry/Throw Held Item | F |
Cancel Ability | Space |
Change Self Cast Mode | Double Tap |
Miscellaneous Keybinds
Fire | Left Mouse Button (Mouse1) |
Zoom | Right Mouse Button (Mouse2) |
Extra Info | Left Alt Key |
Open Shop | B |
Scoreboard | Tab |
Reload | R |
Dev Console | F7 |
Pause | P |
Toggle Free Cursor | J |
Watch Teammate 1 | F1 |
Watch Teammate 2 | F2 |
Watch Teammate 3 | F3 |
Watch Teammate 4 | F4 |
Look at Teammate 5 | F5 |
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