Optimizing Your Bitcoin Farm Strategy in Escape from Tarkov

Optimizing Your Bitcoin Farm Strategy in Escape from Tarkov

With its numerous benefits, the Bitcoin Farm stands as the top-rated hideout upgrade in Escape from Tarkov. It offers players an opportunity to generate passive income without actively playing the game. Nevertheless, the cost is exorbitant, and it is essential to ensure its optimal performance. Otherwise, it may be more profitable to sell the items for Roubles rather than investing in this feature. This guide provides tips on how to efficiently utilize Bitcoin Farms in Escape from Tarkov.

Optimizing Bitcoin Farming in Escape from Tarkov

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In order to establish your farm, it is necessary to first construct and unlock the Bitcoin Farm within your hideout. This facility consists of three levels, each requiring progressively more challenging items to be obtained.

Level Requirements GPU Slots
1 5 T-Shaped plug1 VPX Flash Storage Module10 Power cord10 Power Supply Unit15 CPU FanLevel 2 Intelligence Center 10 GPU Slots
2 15 CPU Fan, 10 Power Supply Unit15 Printed Circuit Board5 Phase Control Relay2 Military Power FilterLevel 3 Generator 25 GPU Slots
3 25 CPU Fan15 Silicone Tubes10 Electric Motors10 Pressure Gauge,1 6-STEN-140-M Military Battery,Level 1 Solar PowerLevel 3 Water Collector 50 GPU Slots

Each level does not directly impact the speed at which you farm Bitcoin, but it does increase the amount of available GPU slots. This can only result in an increase in Bitcoin farming speed if enough GPUs are inserted.

Each wipe, players consistently consider if the Bitcoin Farm is worth investing in. The cost of these items fluctuates based on supply and demand, resulting in each wipe being unique. Nonetheless, the required hideout items for the Bitcoin Farm are directly linked to the value of Bitcoins and Graphics Cards.

If the price of Bitcoins reaches close to a million Roubles each, it is likely that these Graphics Cards will also increase in price during mid to late wipes. Additionally, the cost of the hideout items required for the Bitcoin Farm will gradually rise, making it less appealing to establish the Bitcoin Farm.

In order to optimize efficiency, it is important to always have the highest number of GPUs possible working in your current Bitcoin Farm. This is because the Generator that powers the farm requires upkeep costs for its Metal Fuel Tanks. Without these tanks, the Generator cannot produce power and run the farm effectively.

A full Metal Fuel Tank with a capacity of 100/100 will provide enough power to run your hideout for approximately 21-22 hours, as each individual fuel resource can power it for 12 minutes and 38 seconds.

Should You Invest in a Bitcoin Farm in Escape from Tarkov?

Screenshot by Prima Games

In order to assess its value, one must be aware of Bitcoin’s production rates, the sole constant in this equation.

Your Bitcoin Farm produces one Bitcoin every 40 hours with a single Graphics Card. Adding more Graphics Cards increases production speed, but not at the same rate as the first. For example, with 50 Graphics Cards, you will produce one Bitcoin every 13 hours.

Installing 25 Graphics Cards will result in approximately 20 hours per Bitcoin. A graph will show that the efficiency of the Graphics Card decreases as more are added to the farm.

Due to the high cost of Graphics Cards, the most effective way to use them is by playing the game. Even if you manually acquire these GPUs, you can still make a significant profit by selling them on the flea market. If you do not intend to play the game for an extended period of time (more than 5 months), it would be wise to sell your Graphics Cards separately as their value can reach millions of Roubles by the middle or end of a wipe.

If you are unable to manage your hideout every two to three days, but still wish to play for an extended period of time, it would be wise to sell your GPUs separately and refrain from building the Bitcoin Farm.

The Bitcoin Farm can only be deemed worthwhile if you consistently play for three to four months, during which the Bitcoins can cover the cost of the GPU and hideout. In other words, you may feel obligated to play even on days when you don’t feel like playing Tarkov.

Bitcoin Farms have remained in this state for a considerable period due to the direct correlation between GPU prices and the value of Bitcoin. Consistent players will always find it worthwhile, but those who play casually will not. In this case, it is more beneficial to farm Tarkov Arena and convert GP Coins and Lega Medals into Roubles. Additionally, GPUs can be purchased from Ref (level 4) using GP Coins from Tarkov Arena, which can easily be transferred from Arena to the base game.

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