Outrage over Overwatch 2 skins for Kiriko and Mercy

Many Overwatch 2 players are dissatisfied with the fact that two highly favored support heroes are consistently receiving new skins during the Season 12 event, while more deserving choices such as Venture are being overlooked. Despite having been released months ago, these heroes have yet to receive a Legendary skin.

The most noteworthy aspect of Season 12 is the introduction of both a new hero, Juno, and the return of the Temple of Anubis map. In honor of this occasion, Blizzard is unveiling new Battle Pass skins for Illari, Sigma, Ashe, Ana, and Doomfist. Additionally, Reaper will be receiving a special Mythic Anubis skin.

In addition, there are two new Mercy skins and one Kiriko skin featured in the new season, much to the disappointment of players. These two heroes already have 38 and 20 skins respectively, causing frustration among fans who feel that other heroes are being neglected while their collections continue to expand.

A post was made by a Reddit user expressing frustration with the abundance of new skins for Support heroes, particularly Mercy and Kiriko, while other heroes have a limited selection.

A response to this post clarified the reason why the Marilyn Monroe skin for Mercy does not function properly for the current season. It was mentioned that this particular skin was originally part of the Formalwear collection released during Christmas.

Another fan also expressed their disappointment about the Mercy and Kiriko skins in a recent Reddit post, joining others who have spoken out about these two heroes receiving Season 12 skins instead of characters like Ramattra and Venture.

The player expressed their initial enthusiasm for Ramattra or Venture to receive skins, as it was the ideal theme for both characters. However, they were disappointed when neither of them ended up being included.

The recent news that Ramattra, the Tank hero with Egyptian-inspired abilities, will not receive a Season 12 skin has disappointed his fans. In the past, players had suggested an Anubis Skin for him.

Venture was repeatedly brought up in both Reddit posts as a more suitable option for an Egyptian-themed skin compared to Mercy or Kiriko. This was mainly due to the fact that the hero is officially portrayed as an archaeologist, making an Egyptian skin a perfect fit for them.

Venture in Overwatch using their drill
Blizzard Entertainment

Despite the passing of three seasons since Blizzard introduced Venture, there are still no Legendary skins available for players who main this character. In fact, one Reddit post even went so far as to claim that Venture mains were “rotting away”due to the lack of skins.

Many players have been curious as to why Blizzard consistently chooses to feature Mercy and Kiriko. This trend has been noticed not only in Season 12, but also in the past. In fact, one Reddit user even suggested that “Mercy skins finance this game”in a comment from the past.

One response humorously commented that “Mercy and Kiriko players are the driving force behind this game being free-to-play.” It is not surprising to fans that popular heroes receive more skins than less-favored ones, as the audience is more likely to purchase skins of their preferred characters.

The release of Overwatch 2’s Season 12 on August 20 will not only feature the addition of new skins, but also the introduction of the Clash Mode and a new hero named Juno, who brings her own distinct Support abilities.

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