Overcoming Cancer: Jang Geun-suk’s Powerful Message on Seizing Life’s Opportunities and Avoiding Regret

After his successful surgery and recovery from thyroid cancer, Jang Geun-suk opened up about his altered perspective on life.

On September 5th, Jang Geun-suk engaged in a live conversation with his fans on his personal channel. The video, titled ‘Real Home Live’, featured Jang Geun-suk streaming live from his own bedroom in his home.

Jang Geun-suk joked, “People have been saying I resemble my pet cat, Jang-go, who I named after myself. They even ask me if I really look like him. It’s funny how they compare our expressions.”

During a live Q&A session with fans, Jang Geun-suk revealed, “I used to be an ENFP according to my MBTI, but as I’ve grown older, I have shifted towards being an ENTJ. I find myself becoming easily agitated by unexpected changes during my travels. I now consider myself more of a ‘J’ personality.”

I'm sorry

Despite being questioned about his marriage plans, Jang Geun-suk confidently replied, “Why wouldn’t I be able to? I am fully capable of handling it on my own.”He then added, “I find it amusing that people constantly ask me if I am doing alright whenever I meet them. But the truth is, I choose to surround myself with those who bring positivity into my life.”

When it comes to managing his mindset, he shared, “I use a technique of self-gaslighting to keep my thoughts positive and optimistic. This helps me transform into a more positive person. For instance, when a new level of ‘Super Mario’ is released after completing ten levels, it can be overwhelming and cause mental strain. But once I conquer the new level, it brings a sense of achievement and makes that moment feel significant.”

During a recent interview, Jang Geun-suk revealed that he had recently taken a trip to Japan with fellow actor Ha Seok-jin and interior designer Lim Seong-bin. He explained that the three of them had become close friends while attending Hanyang University together. The trip was incredibly enjoyable for Jang Geun-suk, who described it as the most fun he had ever had. He added that they were able to let loose and act like carefree college students again, even something as simple as sharing a room with three beds was a source of amusement.

I'm sorry

After undergoing thyroid cancer surgery, he admitted, “I used to not be the type to appreciate traveling, but now I see its appeal. This year, I am determined to embark on a solo trip.”

Upon announcing that he had been diagnosed with thyroid cancer in October of last year and had undergone surgery in May of this year, Jang Geun-suk quickly gained attention. He shared, “After falling ill and waking up, the realization hit me that time is limited. It’s ironic, isn’t it? Now I aim to worry less and instead, focus on pursuing activities that bring me joy. I believe it’s better to take risks and possibly regret them, rather than miss out by being indecisive.”

The speaker encouraged his fans to take action instead of dwelling on their worries. He urged them to “just go for it”and deal with any regrets later on. He reminded them that waiting too long could result in missed opportunities and assured them of his support. He strongly believed that maintaining a positive mindset would lead to a positive self and future. He also reassured them that whatever they were currently worried about would eventually pass.

The source of the information can be found at nate.

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