Overlooked Elden Ring Setting

Despite the new feature in the Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree 1.12 patch that adds a visual indicator and recent items tab for newly acquired items in your inventory, it seems to be going unnoticed by players.

As you progress through the game, you will undoubtedly acquire numerous new items. However, since the DLC requires a high level to access, these items may become lost amongst your already extensive inventory. Therefore, this new setting has been added to help manage them.

To activate the “Mark New Items”and “Show Recent Items Tab”options, you must navigate to the Display settings and enable them from there.

Lacking the visual indicator for your new items or the recent items tab, it may prove challenging for you to distinguish between the items obtained in your base game playthrough and those earned in Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree.

Despite appearing to be a small alteration, it can greatly enhance the organization of your inventory, earning appreciation from players on Reddit. A comment was left under a post showcasing the updated feature, stating, “This is exactly the type of quality of life improvement I was hoping for.”

PSA – You have to turn on the new Inventory features in Display Settings byu/draneceusrex inEldenring

One player questioned why the game does not have these settings enabled by default. In response, another user stated, “It’s a courtesy to always ask before altering someone’s setup, which is why it’s good practice.”

It was also believed by others that both of these settings were enabled by default, or that they were malfunctioning, but they were surprised to discover that this was not true.

This feature is particularly useful when attempting to level up quickly in order to reach the DLC content.

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