Overwatch 2 Art Unveils New Wrecking Ball Skin That Is Nightmarish Yet Awesome

A new survey for Overwatch 2 by Blizzard revealed concept art featuring a nightmarish Wrecking Ball skin, which becomes increasingly unsettling the more you examine it.

According to a post by Overwatch Cavalry on X, a new set of survey skins has been recently launched for Overwatch 2. These skins, similar to previous ones, feature various themes for different characters on the roster, such as Wedding Formal, Dark Medieval, 8-bit, and more.

This collection includes skins inspired by the community memes of Overwatch 2. Among them is a skin that brings the beloved Winton meme to life and an outfit for Genji that perfectly embodies the infamous “I need healing”catchphrase. Wrecking Ball also receives a unique skin, though not in the way one might expect.

Normally, we would expect to see Hammond piloting a mech that matches the theme of his skin, such as his anniversary 8-ball skin, which is designed to resemble a traditional eight-ball from a pool table.

However, the hamster in this skin line is depicted with something even more terrifying upon closer inspection – a mech that resembles its own face. Additionally, the openings of its cannons resemble small paws, adding to the overall nightmarish effect.

However, there is more to this story. Upon closer inspection of the hamster’s face, you will notice that it has been substituted with what appears to be Winston’s face – referred to as “Hampton”by one commenter. Its unsettling appearance has even earned it the nickname “Cursed Hammond”from others.

However, another user suggested the idea of combining the two skins, saying “Picture this: Winton, but with the cursed Hammond mech. Just imagine Winton making intimidating squeaking noises and performing all of Ball’s playful antics in his highlight intros while riding such a cursed ball.”

Given that this is a survey for potential skins, it is possible for them to become reality if requested by the community. Regardless, viewing these fresh ideas is always fascinating, although it is uncertain which ones will ultimately be added to the game.

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