Overwatch 2 Dev Confirms Unfair Spawn Advantage Fix Coming Soon

A developer from Overwatch 2 has officially announced that they will be addressing the unfair spawn advantages that were brought to their attention by a content creator, and a solution can be expected in the near future.

In a recent video, Marblr, a content creator for Overwatch 2 known for their attention to technical details, highlighted the issue of spawns in the game. While both teams generally experience odd spawns, there are certain mirrored maps where one team may have a slight advantage over the other.

Despite being seemingly minor, there are instances, such as in the Antarctic Peninsula and Colosseo, where a team may have to walk up to two additional meters to reach a specific point. While this may only result in fractions of a second in the overall scheme, in a competitive game, mirrored maps are expected to be perfectly balanced.

Fortunately, the problem is being resolved. In a recent livestream (which was later uploaded to YouTube), tank expert Flats responded to Marblr’s video. In the video, Overwatch 2 System Designer Gavin Winter made a brief appearance to discuss the issue.


As the stream plays, you can hear blizz_winter, also known as Winter, commenting, “Most of the issues in this video should be resolved very soon.”

Flats inquires if the video prompted the team to address the spawn issues. Winter confirms that it did. He continues, stating that the team values fairness in spawns, but acknowledges that they were not all equal as they should have been.

It is encouraging to see that, although the difference was small, it is important to strive for fairness in competitive games. While this may not have had a significant impact on the outcome of the games, it is still crucial for them to be as fair as possible.

Hopefully, the upcoming mid-season patch will implement these changes, which should be released soon. It is reassuring to see that Blizzard’s Team 4 is attentive to community research and feedback, indicating their awareness of important content. We hope to see this trend continue and any remaining issues addressed as a result.

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