The developers of Overwatch 2 are allowing content creators to once again balance the game in a special limited-time game mode during Season 11, reviving a beloved event from Overwatch 1.
Season 11 will introduce a plethora of fresh content, including a Battle Pass with a Kamen Rider-inspired theme, a revamped Colosseo map in Runasapi, and the highly anticipated return of the Summer Games.
Within the midst of everything, there lies a fresh community game mode in which the developers have extended an invitation to content creators to revamp hero abilities, reintroducing a beloved feature from the first Overwatch game.
In 2021, Overwatch introduced a temporary game mode in their now discontinued experimental section. The mode featured three invited streamers, Flats, Somjuu, and Violet, who were tasked with “balancing”heroes for the mode.
Despite being considered over-the-top by many, the changes were well-received by fans as it brought a new element of humor to the game. These changes included Lucio’s beat dealing significant damage upon landing on a player and Brigette’s Inspire ability only healing herself.
In the latter part of 2022, just prior to the transition to Overwatch 2, the developers once again gave creators the freedom to make exaggerated “balance”modifications as they pleased.
After a two-year hiatus, the game developers have returned and are currently working on a limited-time game mode for Season 11, in collaboration with creators. The identity of those responsible has not yet been disclosed.
In the trailer alone, we can already see Hanzo using his Storm Arrows to shoot multiple arrows at once, similar to his old Scatter Arrow, and Zenyatta flying while utilizing Transcendence.
Over the recent seasons, there has been a trend of the developers reimagining numerous Heroes. In Season 9, an April Fool’s event playfully revamped heroes, while the Season’s event, Mirrorwatch, provided more realistic reworks for both Talon and Overwatch heroes.
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