Overwatch 2 DPS mains call for players to stop blaming their tank

Overwatch 2 DPS mains call for players to stop blaming their tank

Despite performing well in Overwatch 2, tank players often face criticism and are calling for others to recognize that countering the enemy team is a shared responsibility, rather than solely their own.

Even if you primarily play against AI in Overwatch 2, it’s likely that you’ve been held responsible for a loss by a teammate at least once, regardless of your chosen hero or role. While it may not be a pleasant experience, when playing with four unknown players, situations like this can occur from time to time.

Despite being a common occurrence, tank players are often the ones who bear the brunt of this issue, according to the community. However, a group of DPS mains have recently united on a Reddit thread to defend tank players who are unfairly blamed for fulfilling their role.

Based on the OP’s statement, they have played over 800 hours as a DPS player. They believe that in situations where the tank is being countered by the majority of the enemy team, it is the DPS’ responsibility to step up and make up for the lack of effectiveness from the tank.

“It’s frustrating to constantly see the tank being criticized, especially when they are performing admirably, and then have the enemy team switch to counter them with three members.”

According to their explanation, if the tank is suddenly facing difficulties during the middle of a game despite performing well, it is a clear indication that they are being challenged and know their role well. In such a situation, it becomes the responsibility of the DPS to counter the pressure and assist the tank in being more efficient in their role. Constantly switching the tank would only have a negative impact on the team as a whole.

After the initial comment, other players chimed in and expressed agreement with the OP. However, there were also occasional responses that playfully teased players who expected the tank to carry every game.

It was pointed out by one individual that the presence of only one tank in a team does not necessarily result in a battle between “1 tank vs the other.”

“It frustrates me when individuals automatically use the excuse of ‘our tank is being countered’…what are their actions in response? Shouldn’t everyone contribute to addressing the issue?”they remarked.

Another user agreed by saying, “Definitely. It’s not just DPS, but Supports as well.”They elaborated that when facing an enemy team with Mauga / Roadhog + Bastion + Reaper, and your tank is Reinhardt / Winston, it presents a perfect chance to utilize Double Snipers and even Ana and Zenyatta since there is no need for a dive composition.

The situation is also favorable if the opponent’s team includes Zarya, Mei, and Symmetra as a counter to your D.Va tank. In this case, Pharah / Echo / Mercy will thrive as there are no hitscan heroes to impede them.

I strongly believe that these players raised an important issue. In Overwatch 2, success often hinges on the teamwork of the players and the strategic selection of team composition. It is not reasonable to expect one player, typically the tank, to bear the sole responsibility of adapting their hero choice to counter the enemy team. A collaborative effort is necessary for victory.

As someone who occasionally plays tank, I can understand the frustration of being asked to switch even after making impactful plays. For instance, as D.Va, I have successfully eaten a Graviton Surge or a Hanzo dragon and continuously denied the enemy Ana’s grenade, yet the DPS players, who failed to counter their opponents, still insisted on me changing to a different hero simply because the enemy team had a Zarya.

Teamwork is crucial for achieving success; by supporting your tank instead of criticizing them, you can greatly impact the outcome.

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