Overwatch 2 Juno Guide: Abilities, Ultimate, Tips, and More

Players can now try out Juno, Overwatch 2’s latest Support hero codenamed ‘Space Ranger’, who combines elements from multiple characters.

Fortunately, the addition of Overwatch 2’s final hero, Venture, did not immediately disrupt the meta (unlike Mauga), allowing for a successful debut in Season 10.

With Season 12 approaching, Juno, the newest Support hero since Illari in Overwatch 2, will soon be joining the game. This will provide players with a new Support option that can match Lucio’s speed boost and mobility. Furthermore, when played correctly, Juno has the potential to be a powerful main healer for your team.

Juno’s Weapon

Your primary weapon, a burst-fire gun with 180 bullets in the chamber, will serve as your primary means of healing and causing damage throughout the game.

Juno’s primary fire can be compared to a more powerful Ana’s Biotic Rifle. Similar to Ana’s weapon, Juno’s does not inflict critical damage.

She utilizes Pulsar Torpedoes as her secondary fire, which has the ability to target both allies and enemies and launch homing projectiles towards them. This results in either healing her teammates or causing damage to her opponents.


Mediblaster is still the same.

  • Burst fire weapon that heals allies and damages enemies

Pulsar torpedoes are still being utilized.

  • Press [secondary fire] to lock on, then [primary fire] to fire homing projectiles. Heals allies over time and damages enemies
Overwatch 2 Juno Pulsar Torpedoes

Juno locks on to targets with her Pulsar Torpedoes

Juno’s Abilities in Overwatch 2

As a Support, Juno is likely to fulfill the role of your team’s primary healer by providing ample healing to your allies. This means that you should not anticipate constantly making exceptional plays.

Moreover, her Hyper Ring is an excellent asset for facilitating team fights and offering support. Plus, her Glide Boost and passive abilities grant her the ability to quickly evade enemies who try to dive on her.

Orbital Ray, her ultimate, is a highly effective ability for altering the tempo of a team fight. It not only heals allies but also boosts their damage.


Martian Overboots are still a highly sought-after item for those brave enough to venture onto the red planet.

  • While airborne, press [jump] to double jump and hold [jump] to hover


Glide Boost is a product that provides support and enhancement for gliding movements.

  • Glide horizontally with increased movement speed
Overwatch 2 Juno Glide Boost

You can remain airborne with Glide Boost

Circular Link

  • Deploy a ring that increases movement speed of allies that pass through it
Overwatch 2 Juno Speed Ring

You can give everyone on your team a speed boost with Hyper Ring


The Orbital Ray is still in use.

  • Call down a ray that travels forward, healing allies and increasing their damage
Overwatch 2 Juno Ultimate

You will need to be in the circle of the Orbital Ray to get its effects

Tips for using Juno in Overwatch 2

From Juno’s abilities, it is evident that she is not well-suited for players who prefer to take proactive actions on their own (we’re looking at you, Lucio mains) and is better suited for those who adopt a more passive playstyle.

Nevertheless, her talents in supporting from the backline do not detract from her capabilities. She remains a valuable asset to your team, assisting in initiating battles and inflicting significant damage.

These are some of our observations from experimenting with Juno’s abilities and playstyle:

  • Due to the fact that her Mediblaster does not cause critical damage, it is unnecessary to aim for the head. To ensure that your shots are consistently hitting their target, aim for the body or legs.
  • For the Pulsar Torpedoes to hit an ally or enemy, they must have a clear line of sight to you when fired. Make sure to use them when you have a good view of all players and utilize your verticality for better accuracy.
  • With Juno’s exceptional verticality and her passive and Glide Boost, it is important to always position yourself on high ground and in off angles. This will give you an advantage in battle and even if the enemy tries to attack you, your mobility should allow you to escape unscathed.
  • Make use of Glide Boost to stay airborne and gain a better vantage point for your Pulsar Torpedoes to target as many individuals as possible.
  • It is recommended to utilize Hyper Ring in battles against enemies or to retreat from losing engagements, as it provides a speed boost that is faster than Lucio’s but has a longer cooldown. Therefore, it should be used strategically.
  • Her ultimate ability, Orbital Ray, is an excellent ult for shifting the tempo of a battle as it can either intimidate enemies into retreating with its added damage or compel them to use their own ult to counter it. As a result, it is best utilized at the beginning of team fights rather than as a last-ditch effort.
  • As Orbital Ray travels forward, it is important to aim in the direction of the team fight when using it. It should also be noted that the ability moves at a slow pace, therefore it is recommended to activate it slightly ahead of your team.
  • Orbital Ray disregards walls, ceilings, and other building obstacles, allowing your teammates (especially hitscans) to benefit from Juno’s ultimate on high grounds without needing to be in close proximity to her.

So, there you have it! Juno has recently entered her limited trial and will be officially released in Season 12 on August 20.

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