Overwatch 2 Players Beg for More Lore as Game’s Story is Abandoned

Fans of Overwatch 2 are pleading with the developers for additional lore, as they feel the game’s story has been neglected in favor of PvP.

The eleventh season has been filled with a plethora of fresh material, including the return of Quick Play: Hacked, a mid-season update that disrupted the established meta, and the arrival of Juno’s limited test, providing players with an early glimpse at the upcoming hero.

Despite the focus on the PvP aspect of the game this season, many players have expressed disappointment as there have been few updates to the game’s lore in recent times.

I know that PvE missions as initially announced has been abandoned; but why do we not seem to be getting any lore or story progress at all now? It’s really disheartening. byu/Augustby inOverwatch

The cancellation of PvE prompted a player to express their concern about the game’s lore on a popular thread in the Overwatch subreddit.

“Their explanation revealed that Juno’s release was a turning point for them. They expressed a desire to feel invested in this character, but unfortunately cannot. It is frustrating to know that the lore accompanying her release will likely be the only content available for years to come.”

The handling of Overwatch’s story was criticized, with the lack of character development being highlighted as a major issue that caused the characters to feel “hollow”.

It was speculated by multiple commenters that the decrease in focus on lore in recent seasons could be attributed to the fact that a significant portion of Overwatch 2’s narrative team was laid off in the 2024 layoffs.

overwatch 2 comic screenshot

The last canon Overwatch 2 comic was Venture’s

A player expressed their desire for the same level of transparency regarding lore and PvE as there is for 6v6. The presence of lore was a source of excitement for them and many others, but since it has disappeared, there is little motivation for them to continue playing.

Although lore has not been entirely neglected in previous seasons, it has mainly been provided for one-time occasions. For instance, Mirrorwatch or the Cosmic Crisis, and the most recent canon comic was the one released when Venture joined the game.

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