Overwatch 2 Players Call for Ban on Streamers Participating in ‘Garbage’ Trend

Players of Overwatch 2 are urging Blizzard to take action against streamers who are smurfing in lower ranks during unranked to Grandmaster challenges.

Unranked to Grandmaster challenges have been a longstanding trend in Overwatch, where streamers work their way up to the top tier of the game on new accounts. Despite its popularity, this practice has sparked controversy among players and even some content creators.

Despite being popular, a lot of streamers resort to smurfing in ranks that they do not actually belong in, which can ultimately negatively impact the gameplay experience for other players in the lobby.

Due to this, some members of the community are now urging Blizzard to ban streamers who partake in unranked to GM challenges.

Can we ban streamers who do unranked to gms like moreweth? byu/Puzzleheaded_Curve_4 inOverwatch

On the Overwatch subreddit, a player brought attention to a post that went viral. The post called out an OW2 streamer for joining his lobby and participating in an unranked to GM challenge, as well as for flaming him and his teammates.

“As a Diamond player, I may not be as skilled as others, but I do not appreciate being constantly berated by an older player over voice chat, telling me what to do. It’s completely unbearable. Additionally, their skill level is not even that impressive.”

The post received a lot of agreement from others, with many stating that “smurfs ruin the game”and criticizing the challenge as “garbage”.

Some individuals in the comments expressed disapproval towards Blizzard for not addressing the actions of YZNSA, an Overwatch 2 streamer and professional player. YZNSA has been accused of running a website that sells and boosts accounts, which he has promoted during his streams.

In technical terms, smurfing is not considered a bannable offense. However, engaging in activities such as boosting, de-ranking, or selling accounts directly violates Blizzard’s terms and services.

Many players are expressing their frustration with Blizzard and numerous other game developers for their refusal to take action against streamers and content creators who take part in the trend.

“According to another player, game companies do not seem to care about smurfs. The example of Valorant is cited, where every time a new character is released, there is always a “x to Immortal”series.”

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