Overwatch 2 players will never be able to unsee Tracer’s change from first game

A player of Overwatch 2 has brought attention to a major unnoticed alteration in Tracer’s character model from the original game to the sequel, causing shock among the community due to its unsettling nature.

Tracer in Overwatch is equipped with two fully automatic pistols that she uses to quickly eliminate her opponents. When idling or browsing skins in the client, she can be seen placing the pistols back in their holsters under her forearms.

Despite the changes in Overwatch 2, Tracer’s model no longer features the bulky holsters protruding from under her arms. However, her holstering animation remains unchanged. This means that upon close inspection, players will notice that Tracer’s pistols appear to merge into her arms and vanish during the animation.

Several players in a Reddit discussion about a minor yet significant animation alteration admitted that they had never noticed the holsters in the original game.

After playing this cursed game for eight years, I finally discovered that the objects on Tracer’s arms are actually holsters for her guns,”exclaimed one user.

What happened to tracer’s holsters in her forearms? byu/waasaap inOverwatch

Several players have presented theories regarding the lack of design continuity between games and how the holsters were overlooked by the team, or if they simply “forgot”about them.

“One player expressed that the decision to slim down the character design was likely made in earnest, possibly sacrificing that detail. Alternatively, it could have been a genuine oversight. Regardless, they expressed disappointment as they had always found the design to be cool.”

Some individuals used the design flaw to criticize Blizzard for what they perceived as laziness in creating hero designs for the second installment of Overwatch.

Another player expressed their thoughts, stating that while they understand the potential challenges of including random skins, the lack of consideration for it in the OW2 base skin is unacceptable. They feel that the focus was on making the design look new rather than logical.

Despite the reason for the animation’s presence in Overwatch 2, it is difficult to ignore once it has been noticed.

Reintegrating Tracer’s holsters onto her model and including all available skins in Overwatch 2 could prove to be a challenging feat for Blizzard in addressing the unsettling visual. Nevertheless, the developer could possibly alter the holstering animation to alleviate this issue for players.

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