Overwatch 2’s Season 12 Changes: Adding an Annoying Detail to Lifeweaver

Players of Overwatch 2 have come across a peculiar detail in the Season 12 updates to Lifeweaver’s Petal Platform, causing some frustrating interactions with Mercy and labeling it as “annoying”.

Overwatch 2 underwent significant changes during Season 12, with the arrival of Juno and Clash and a multitude of hero balances that have significantly impacted the meta.

Amidst all the added material, there was also a small adjustment made to the functionality of Lifeweaver’s Petal Platform. Previously, the platform would only rise once and then disappear; however, it will now descend if left unoccupied while in the air, allowing for multiple uses by players.

As a result, players are able to maximize the benefits of their platform, although this may also result in awkward and bothersome interactions with abilities of other heroes.

Mercy’s Resurrection is one of the abilities. By default, souls cannot be relocated by players, resulting in most of their teammates’ souls remaining in the location where they perished.

However, if the souls died on a Petal Platform, the outcome would have been different before the Season 12 changes. The platform would have kept them suspended in the air, but now that it descends, the souls will also descend with it.

Annoying little detail regarding the new Lifeweaver changes byu/DangleBopp inOverwatch

A player on the Overwatch subreddit demonstrated that not being aware of the moving platform can result in a failed Resurrection.

“They mentioned a frustrating issue with the recent changes to Lifeweaver. In their video, you can observe them flying towards a soul in the air to revive a teammate, but unfortunately the platform descends and cancels the action.”

It is true that their reservation would not have been cancelled if they were simply standing on the platform. However, since the changes are recent, it is understandable that everyone is still adjusting to them.

Despite this, Lifeweaver’s platform is not the only one with this feature. The floating floors on Route 66 and the conveyor belts on Hollywood can also disrupt your res.

Despite this, the Lifeweaver changes can still be beneficial if a teammate’s soul is in a difficult spot. By placing a platform underneath them, you can revive them while they are still in the air.

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