Palworld Full Paldeck: Every Pal & Their Element

With a current total of 112 Pals ready to be caught in Palworld, our convenient Paldeck provides a comprehensive overview of every single creature within the survival game.

Palworld offers a multitude of one-of-a-kind creatures for players to collect and utilize in various ways. These creatures can be used in battles, employed at your base, or ridden as mounts to explore the vast world. Excluding the Fusion Pals obtained through breeding, there is a plethora of creatures waiting to be caught before the Sakurajima update.

Complete Paldeck list

Pals 1 – 30

Paldeck Number Pal Element Work Suitability
1 Lamball Neutral Handiwork Level 1 / Transporting Level 1 / Farming Level 1
2 Bad Neutral Handiwork Level 1 / Gathering Level 1 / Mining Level 1 / Transporting Level 1
3 Chip Neutral Gathering Level 1 / Farming Level 1
4 Lifmunk Grass Planting Level 1 / Handiwork Level 1 / Lumbering Level 1 / Medicine Production Level 1 / Gathering Level 1
5 Foxparks Fire Kindling Level 1
6 Fuack Water Handiwork Level 1 / Transporting Level 1 / Watering Level 1
7 Sparkit Electric Handiwork Level 1 / Transporting Level 1 / Generating Electricity Level 1
8 Tanzee Grass Planting Level 1 / Handiwork Level 1 / Lumbering Level 1 / Transporting Level 1 / Gathering Level 1
8 Roby Fire Kindling Level 1
10 Pengullet Water Handiwork Level 1 / Transporting Level 1 / Watering Level 1 / Cooling Level 1
11 Penking Water Handiwork Level 2 / Transporting Level 2 / Watering Level 2 / Mining Level 2 / Cooling Level 2
12 Jolthog Electric Generating Electricity Lv1
13 Gumos Grass / Ground Planting Level 1
14 Vixy Neutral Gathering Level 1 / Farming Level 1
15 Hoocrates Dark Gathering Level 1
16 Teafant Water Watering Level 1
17 Depressed Dark Handiwork Level 1 / Transporting Level 1 / Mining Level 1
18 Creams Neutral Gathering Level 1 / Farming Level 1
19 Daedream Dark Handiwork Level 1 / Transporting Level 1 / Gathering Level 1
20 Rushoar Ground Mining Level 1
21 Nox Dark Gathering Level 1
22 Fuddler Ground Handiwork Level 1 / Transporting Level 1 / Mining Level 1
23 Killamari Dark Transporting Level 1 / Gathering Level 1
24 Always Dark Farming Level 1
25 Celaray Water Transporting Level 1 / Watering Level 1
26 Direhowl Neutral Gathering Level 1
27 Tocotoco Neutral Gathering Level 1
28 Flopie Grass Planting Lv1, Handiwork Lv1, Medicine Production Lv1, Transporting Lv1, Gathering Lv1
29 Mozzarella Neutral Farming Level 1
30 Bristla Grass Planting Level 1 / Handiwork Level 1 / Medicine Production Level 2 / Transporting Level 1 / Gathering Level 1
Foxparks screenshot

Pals 31 – 61

Paldeck Number Pal Element Work Suitability
31 Gobfin Water Handiwork Level 1 / Transporting Level 2 / Watering Level 2
32 asks Ground Handiwork Level 1 / Transporting Level 2 / Gathering Level 2
33 Moss sand Grass Planting Level 2 / Handiwork Level 2 / Lumbering Level 2 / Transporting Level 3
34 Woolipop Neutral Farming Level 1
35 Caprity Grass Planting Level 2 / Farming Level 1
36 Melpaca Neutral Farming Level 1
37 Oak thyrtle Neutral Lumbering Level 1
38 Nitewing Neutral Gathering Level 2
39 Ribbuny Grass Handiwork Level 1 / Transporting Level 1 / Gathering Level 1
40 Incineram Neutral Kindling Level 1 / Handiwork Level 2 / Transporting Level 2 / Mining Level 1
41 Cinnamoth Grass Plating Level 2 / Medicine Production Level 2
42 Arsox Flower Kindling Level 2 / Lumbering Level 1
43 Dum Ground Transporting Level 1 / Watering Level 1 / Mining Level 2
44 Cawgnito Dark Lumbering Level 1
45 Leezpunk Dark Handiwork Level 1 / Transporting Level 1 / Gathering Level 1
46 Loupmoon Dark Handiwork Level 2
47 Galeclaw Neutral Gathering Level 2
48 Robinquill Grass Planting Level 1 / Handiwork Level 1 / Lumbering Level 1 / Medicine production Level 1 / Transporting Level 2 / Gathering Level 2
49 Gorirat Neutral Handiwork Level 1 / Lumbering Level 2 / Transporting Level 2
50 Beegarde Grass Planting Level 1 / Handiwork Level 1 / Lumbering Level 1 / Medicine Production Level 1 / Transporting Level 2 / Gathering Level 1 / Farming Level 1
51 Elizabee Grass Planting Level 2 / Handiwork Level 2 / Lumbering Level 2 / Medicine Production Level 2 / Gathering Level 2
52 Grit Neutral Gathering Level 2
53 Swee Ice Gathering Level 1 / Cooling Level 1
54 Sweepa Ice Gathering Level 2 / Cooling Level 2
55 Chillet Ice / Dragon Gathering Level 1 / Cooling Level 1
56 Univolt Electric Lumbering Level 1 / Generating Electricity Level 2
57 Foxicicle Ice Cooling Level 2
58 I’m trying Fire Kindling Level 2 / Lumbering Level 1
59 Reindrix Ice Lumbering Level 2 / Cooling Level 2
60 Rayhound Electric Generating Electricity Level 2
61 Kitsun Fire Kindling Level 2
Screenshot of Incineram

Pals 62 – 80

Paldeck Number Pal Element Work Suitability
62 Dazzi Electric Handiwork Level 1 / Transporting Level 1 Generating Electricity Level 1
63 Lunar Neutral Handiwork Level 3 / Transporting Level 1 / Gathering Level 1
64 Dinosaur Grass / Dragon Planting Level 2 / Lumbering Level 2
65 Surfing Water Watering Level 2
66 Marathi Dark Gathering Level 2 / Mining Level 1
67 Digtoise Ground Mining Level 3
68 knocked down Dark Transporting Level 2 / Gathering Level 2 / Mining Level 2
69 Promises Neutral Handiwork Level 2 / Medicine Production Level 2 / Transporting Level 2 / Mining Level 1
70 Flambelle Fire Kindling Level 1 / Handiwork Level 1 / Transporting Level 1 / Farming Level 1
71 Vanwyrm Fire / Dark Kindling Level 1 / Transporting Level 3
72 Bush Fire Kindling Level 2 / Handiwork Level 1 / Lumbering Level 3 / Transporting Level 2 / Gathering Level 1
73 Beacon Electric Transporting Level 3 / Generating Electricity Level 2 / Gathering Level 1
74 Ragnahawk Fire Kindling Level 3 / Transporting Level 3
75 Katress Dark Handiwork Level 2 / Medicine Production Level 2 / Transporting Level 2
76 Wanking Fire Kindling Level 2 / Handiwork Level 3 / Transporting Level 2
77 Verdash Grass Planting Level 2 / Handiwork Level 3 / Lumbering Level 2 / Transporting Level 2 / Gathering Level 3
78 Vaelet Grass Planting Level 2 / Handiwork Level 2 / Medicine Production Level 3 / Transporting Level 1 / Gathering Level 2
79 Sibelyx Ice Medicine Production Level 2 / Cooling Level 2 / Farming Level 1
80 Elphidran Dragon Lumbering Level 2
Lovander screenshot

Pals 81 – 100

Paldeck Number Pal Element Work Suitability
81 Kelpsea Water Watering Level 1
82 Azurobe Water / Dragon Watering Level 3
83 Cryolinx Ice Handiwork Level 1 / Lumbering Level 2 / Cooling Level 3
84 Blazehowl Fire Kindling Level 3 / Lumbering Level 2
85 Relaxaurus Dragon / Water Transporting Level 1 / Watering Level 2
86 Broncherry Grass Planting Level 3
87 Petallia Grass Planting Level 3 / Handiwork Level 2 / Medicine Production Level 2 / Transporting Level 1 / Gathering Level 2
88 Reptyro Fire / Ground Kindling Level 3 / Mining Level 3
89 Kingpaca Neutral Gathering Level 1
90 Mammary residue Grass Planting Level 2 / Lumbering Level 2 / Mining Level 2
91 Wumpo Ice Handiwork Level 2 / Lumbering Level 3 / Transporting Level 4 / Cooling Level 2
92 Warsect Grass / Ground Planting Level 1 / Handiwork Level 1 / Lumbering Level 3 / Transporting Level 3
93 Fenglope Neutral Lumbering Level 2
94 Felbat Dark Medicine Production Level 3
95 Quivern Dragon Handiwork Level 1 / Transporting Level 3 / Gathering Level 2 / Mining Level 2
96 Blazamut Fire Kindling Level 3 / Mining Level 4
97 Helzephyr Dark Transporting Level 3
98 Astegon Dragon / Dark Handiwork Level 1 / Mining Level 4
99 Menasting Dark / Ground Lumbering Level 2 / Mining Level 3
100 Anubis Ground Handiwork Level 4 / Transporting Level 2 / Mining Level 3
Azurobe in Palworld

Pals 101 – 112

Paldeck Number Pal Element Work Suitability
101 Jormuntide Dragon / Water Watering Level 4
102 Suzaku Fire Kindling Level 3
103 Grizz Store Electric Handiwork Level 2 / Lumbering Level 2 / Transporting Level 3 / Generating Electricity Level 3
104 Lyleen Grass Planting Level 4 / Handiwork Level 3 / Medicine Production Level Level 3 / Gathering Level 2
105 Faleris Fire Kindling Level 3 / Transporting Level 3
106 Orserk Dragon / Electric Generating Electricity Level 4 / Handiwork Level 2 / Transporting Level 3
107 Shadowbeak Dark Gathering Level 1
108 Paladius Neutral Cooling Level 4
109 Necromus Dark Gathering Level 3
110 Frostallion Ice Cooling Level 4
111 Jetragon Dragon Gathering Level 3
112 Bellanoir Dark Handiwork Level 2 / Medicine Production Level 4 / Transporting Level 2

Now that you are familiar with all 112 Pals in the Paldeck, you can learn more about the game by exploring the Passive Skills and discovering where to obtain Coal, Leather, Ore, and Pure Quartz.

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