Palworld player recreates memorable Jurassic World scene

In the fascinating world of Palworld, one player has managed to recreate an iconic scene from the film Jurassic World.

The Pal Relaxaurus, taking the form of a colossal dinosaur, may seem harmless at first, but reveals formidable strength.

To capture a Relaxaurus, players must skillfully chip away at its health while dodging the powerful jets of water it shoots out.

But recently, a Palworld player managed to defeat a small group of these prehistoric beasts.

And to celebrate his victory, he chose a method that was original to say the least: reproducing a scene from Jurassic World. This initiative quickly captured the attention of fans.

A scene from Jurassic World reproduced on Palworld

On the Palworld subreddit, bluedragonark posted a post that quickly went viral.

The latter juxtaposed two images: the first, taken from the film Jurassic World, showing Chris Pratt Bryce Dallas Howard facing a field littered with Brachiosaurus corpses. The second Palworld screenshot shows four dead Relaxaurus Pals in the grass, with the player contemplating their handiwork, bow in hand.

RIP Dinos 😭 byu/bluedragonark inPalworld

The reactions to this post were not long in coming, with many calling the player a scourge. One comment sums up the situation well: “He doesn’t hunt for food, but for pleasure,” referring to a line from the film.

Some understand this destruction, however, pointing out that high-quality oil is a valuable resource that can be obtained from Pals such as Relaxaurus and Digtoise. “Look, I can explain everything…I needed the oil for more guns,” jokes one fan.

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