Park Bo-gum Successfully Takes His First Step Toward a Perfect “Life of Another” (My Name Is Gabriel)

On June 21st, the first episode of “My Name Is Gabriel”featuring Park Bo-gum aired on JTBC. In this episode, Park Bo-gum takes on the new challenge of living as a stranger named “Gabriel”for 72 hours, with no prior knowledge about his life.

During the car ride to the airport, Park Bo-gum was seen checking his destination, displaying a combination of excitement and apprehension towards his upcoming stay in Dublin, a city he had yet to explore.

Despite appearing to diligently study Dublin while on the plane, he eventually dozed off into a deep sleep, revealing a relatable human side that brought smiles to those watching.

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Park Bo-gum arrived at a house in Dublin, Ireland, where he immediately started to gather clues about “Gabriel”, the person he was replacing. He carefully examined various items in the room such as guitar picks, sheet music, a baton, and business cards, in order to gain insight into the kind of person Gabriel was. As he concluded his first night, Park Bo-gum made a commitment to live considerately and not disturb the life of the person he was taking over for.

The following day, Park Bo-gum woke up and followed Gabriel’s routine with a feeling of eagerness and expectation, as if embarking on a fresh adventure. When he was introduced to Gabriel’s friends, he showed a blend of uncertainty and warmth as they warmly welcomed him as a stranger.

After talking with Gabriel’s friends, Park Bo-gum discovered that he was now going by the name “Ruri”and was in charge of an a cappella group. This unexpected role carried a lot of weight for him, especially upon discovering that they had a busking performance planned in just two days.

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As he headed to the practice room to meet with the choir members, Park Bo-gum readily embraced his role as leader, shouldering responsibilities such as conducting, singing, and selecting songs. In the midst of the practice, he delivered a powerful solo performance of “Falling Slowly,”harmonizing flawlessly with the rest of the choir. However, as the emotions overwhelmed him, he was unable to continue singing.

Park Bo-gum courageously embraced the life of Ruri, a resident of Dublin, temporarily distancing himself from his usual routine as an actor.

It will be fascinating to witness Park Bo-gum’s portrayal of Ruri’s life in just 72 hours, showcasing his remarkable sensitivity, impressive adaptability, and sociability.

The JTBC network airs “My Name Is Gabriel”starring Park Bo-gum every Friday at 8:50 PM.

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